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隧道建设(中英文) ›› 2018, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (2): 153-160.DOI: 10.3973/j.issn.2096-4498.2018.02.001

• 专家论坛 • 上一篇    下一篇

Prospect of Infrastructure Construction under "Belt and Road" Initiative(“一带一路”的基础设施建设前景)

BAI Yun, CHEN Wei*, XU Dilu   

  1. (College of Civil Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China)
  • 收稿日期:2017-11-24 修回日期:2018-02-05 出版日期:2018-02-20 发布日期:2018-03-19
  • 作者简介:白云(1958—),男,上海人,2003年毕业于同济大学,隧道与地下工程专业,博士,教授,主要从事盾构隧道设计与施工技术、非开挖施工技术、城市地下空间开发、地下工程风险管理等研究工作。 E-mail: baiyun1958@tongji.edu.cn。


白云, 陈伟*, 徐迪璐   

  1. (同济大学土木工程学院, 上海 200092)
  • Received:2017-11-24 Revised:2018-02-05 Online:2018-02-20 Published:2018-03-19


The process of how the "Belt and Road" Initiative was brought up is studied and the major opportunities that the "Belt and Road" Intiative brings to China are described in this paper. The "Belt and Road" Intiative is very prospective. The important role of the infrastructure construction in the "Belt and Road" Intiative is shown. Two examples of the infrastructure construction under the "Belt and Road" strategy, i.e., ChinaNepalIndia TransHimalaya Corridor and Kra Isthmus Canal in Thailand, are introduced. Finally, the challenges that China will face in the infrastructure construction under the "Belt and Road" Intiative and the rational countermeasures are described.

关键词: ", Belt and Road", Intiative, infrastructure construction, development opportunity, challenge and countermeasure


“一带一路”倡议以合作共赢为目标,旨在推进人类的共同进步,在世界上引起广泛的关注,将对世界产生巨大的影响。文章通过研究“一带一路”倡议产生的过程,说明该倡议给中国带来的重大机遇,得出“一带一路”倡议具有非常好的前景,并说明基础设施建设在“一带一路”倡议中的重要地位; 然后介绍2个“一带一路”相关的基础设施建设案例: “中国—尼泊尔—印度跨喜马拉雅通道研究”,“泰国克拉地峡运河”; 最后,提出“一带一路”基础设施建设过程中中国面临的挑战,并提出相应对策。

Key words: “一带一路”, 基础设施建设, 发展机遇, 挑战和对策
