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  • Scopus RCCSE中国权威学术期刊
  • 美国EBSCO数据库 俄罗斯《文摘杂志》
  • 《日本科学技术振兴机构数据库(中国)》

隧道建设(中英文) ›› 2006, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (6): 20-23.DOI: A

• 研究与探索 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 中铁隧道股份有限公司
  • 收稿日期:2006-07-17 出版日期:2006-12-20 发布日期:2009-12-11
  • 作者简介:叶康慨(1971-)|男|1995年毕业于兰州铁道学院铁道工程专业|高级工程师|现从事隧道与地下工程施工技术管理工作。

Type Selection of Shield Machines for Large Crosssection Underground
Railway Tunnel on Straight Rail Transit Line in Beijing

XIE Kang-Kai   

  1. China Railway Tunnel Stock Co., Ltd
  • Received:2006-07-17 Online:2006-12-20 Published:2009-12-11



关键词: 大断面地下铁路隧道 直径线 盾构  , 选型 泥水平衡盾构 土压平衡盾构


he proposed straight rail transit line form Beijing Railway Station to Beijing West Railway Station can make the layout of Beijing railway terminals more reasonable. The tunnel on the straight rail transit line is to be constructed by shield machines. The type selection of the shield machines is one of the critical stages of the execution of the project. This paper analyzes the geology and hydrogeology conditions of the underground tunnel on Beijing Straight Rail Transit Line, presents the general procedures of and basis for the type selection of shield machines, and stresses the influence of the engineering geology conditions on the type selection of shield machines and evaluations on construction risks of various types of shield machines. The major research conclusions are as follows: slurry shield machines are superior to EPB shield machines in respect of surface subsidence control, boulder/cobble coping, advance speed, reduction in cutting tool wear and numbers of chamber opening for exchange of cutting tools; this project has proper site areas for the installation of the slurry treatment facilities and the problems related with the environment protection, such as disposing of waste slurries and reduction of construction noises, can be well resolved; slurry shield machines are suitable for this project.

Key words: large cross-section underground railway tunnel  , straight rail transit line  , shield machine  , type selection slurry shield machine  , EPB shield machine
