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隧道建设(中英文) ›› 2018, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (3): 372-382.DOI: 10.3973/j.issn.2096-4498.2018.03.004
ZHANG Minqing1, *, LYU Gang2, HE Zhijun1, LIU Jianyou2, JIAO Yunzhou1, LUO Duhao3
张民庆1, *, 吕刚2, 何志军1, 刘建友2, 焦云洲1, 罗都颢3
The largespan transition section at Badaling Great Wall Station with a maximum excavation span of 32.7 m and an excavation area of 494.4 m2 is the traffic tunnel with the largest excavation span and excavation section area in the world, resulting in substantial construction difficulty and high safety risk. To ensure the construction safety of Badaling Great Wall Station, the support parameter design, a new excavation method, and the surrounding rock deformation control principle for tunnels with an ultralarge section are studied. The study results show that: (1) According to the checking calculation, the support system had a safety factor of 1.16-2.46 during the construction period and 1.59-3.54 during the operation period, i.e., its engineering structure is safe and reliable. (2) The innovative triangletype excavation applied to the tunnel with an ultralarge span and section has the advantages of a simple and clear method, safe and reliable structure, high applicability of mechanical equipment and high construction efficiency. (3) Depending on different surrounding rock classes and spans, the criteria for total deformation control of the largespan transition section at Badaling Great Wall Station are as follows: in the case of class Ⅱ surrounding rock, the total settlement is 20-30 mm, and the total horizontal convergence is 15-20 mm; in the case of class Ⅲ surrounding rock, the total settlement is 30-40 mm, and the total horizontal convergence is 20-25 mm; in the case of class Ⅳ surrounding rock, the total settlement is 60-90 mm, and the total horizontal convergence is 40-55 mm; in the case of class Ⅴ surrounding rock, the total settlement is 130-190 mm, and the total horizontal convergence is 90-105 mm. (4) According to the numerical simulation, the innovative triangletype excavation method results in deformation that is mainly centralized in the tunnel archmaking stage, accounting for approximately 95% of the total, followed by deformation in the sidemaking stage, accounting for 4% of the total, with the smallest deformation only accounting for 1% in the inverted archmaking stage.