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隧道建设(中英文) ›› 2023, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (S1): 407-415.DOI: 10.3973/j.issn.2096-4498.2023.S1.047

• 施工技术 • 上一篇    下一篇


覃正杨, 安斌*   

  1. (中铁隧道集团二处有限公司, 河北 三河 065201
  • 出版日期:2023-07-31 发布日期:2023-08-28
  • 作者简介:覃正杨(1972—),男,四川岳池人,1996年毕业于湘潭矿业学院,采矿工程专业,本科,高级工程师,长期从事隧道及地下工程领域的施工管理工作。Email: 18661009666@139.com。 *通信作者: 安斌, Email: 360031759@qq.com。

Mounting Technology for Steel Brace in Deep Foundation Pit of Metro Station Constructed by Semi-Cover Excavation Method: A Case Study

 on Liuyanjing Station of Metro Line 3 in Nanchang, China

QIN Zhengyang, AN Bin*   

  1. (The 2nd Engineering Co., Ltd. of China Railway Tunnel Group, Sanhe 065201, Hebei, China)
  • Online:2023-07-31 Published:2023-08-28

摘要: 为有效解决门吊和挖掘机组合吊装基坑钢支撑时存在的作业不规范、风险高、效率低以及架设时间长等突出问题,以南昌市轨道交通3号线六眼井站半盖挖车站建设项目为例,通过研发悬挂式起重机配套预埋件及轨道行走系统,提出基于地面门式起重机和盖板下悬挂式起重机联合作业的半盖挖车站深基坑钢支撑安装技术,并成功应用于依托项目的钢支撑架设作业中。工程实践表明: 1)盖板下悬挂式起重机协同地面门式起重机架设钢支撑的规范化作业流程提高了现场作业标准化水平; 2)相比于挖掘机配合地面门吊的传统工法,采用新工艺后单日钢支撑作业量由3根提升至5根左右,单日生产工效显著提升; 3)采用新工艺后,可减少人员手动环节,大幅降低劳动强度,消除传统施工过程中的安全风险。

关键词: 半盖挖地铁车站; 深基坑; 钢支撑; 盖板下悬挂式起重机 

Abstract: In the process of installing steel brace in foundation pit with the gantry crane and the excavator, there always exists the problems of nonstandard construction, high construction risk, low operation efficiency, and long material operation cycle. Arming at these problems, a novel technology is proposed based the project of Liuyanjing metro station of Nanchang metro line 3 constructed by semicover excavation method. Through researching the supporting embedded parts of suspended crane and the track walking system, the steel brace mounting technology by combining a gantry crane on the ground and a hang crane installed below the cover plate is developed and successfully employed. The engineering practice demonstrates that: (1) The standardization level of construction in worksite is improved by the standard operation processes where the steel braces are installed by the cooperation of a hanging carne and a gantry crane; (2) Compared with the traditional construction method, the daily production capacity of the steel support is increased from 3 to 5 after the proposed method is employed; and (3) After adopting the new technology, the manual link is reduced, the labor intensity is greatly reduced, and the safety risk in the traditional construction process is eliminated.

Key words: semicover excavated metro station, deep foundation pit, steel brace, crane installed below cover plat