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隧道建设(中英文) ›› 2023, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (4): 721-736.

• 数据统计 • 上一篇    下一篇

Statistics of Railway Tunnels in China by the End of 2022 and Overview of Key Tunnels of Projects Newly Put into Operation in 2022(截至2022年底中国铁路隧道情况统计及2022年新开通项目重点隧道概况)

巩江峰1, 王伟1, 黎旭1, 朱勇2   

  1. 1. 中国铁路经济规划研究院有限公司, 北京〓100038; 2. 中铁二院工程集团有限责任公司, 四川 成都〓610031)

  • 出版日期:2023-04-20 发布日期:2023-05-23
  • 作者简介:巩江峰(1980—),男,山西运城人,2003年毕业于兰州交通大学,土木工程专业,本科,正高级工程师,现从事隧道工程设计、咨询、科研相关工作。Email: 15801688@qq.com。

Statistics of Railway Tunnels in China by the End of 2022 and Overview of Key Tunnels of Projects Newly Put into Operation in 2022#br#

GONG Jiangfeng1, * , WANG Wei1 , LI Xu1 , ZHU Yong2   

  1. (1. China Railway Economic and Planning Research Institute Co., Ltd., Beijing 100038, China;2. China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Co., Ltd., Chengdu 610031, Sichuan, China)
  • Online:2023-04-20 Published:2023-05-23


对截至2022年底中国铁路隧道、高速铁路隧道、特长铁路隧道情况进行统计。结果显示,截至2022年底,中国铁路营业里程达到15.5km,其中,投入运营的铁路隧道17 873座,总长21 978 km; 中国已投入运营的高速铁路总长超过4.2km,共建成高速铁路隧道4 178座,总长7 032 km,其中,长度大于10 km的高速铁路特长隧道105座,长约1 339 km; 中国已投入运营的特长铁路隧道共259座,长约3 498 km,其中,长度20 km以上的特长铁路隧道12座,长约283 km。最后,对2022年新开通的重点项目大瑞铁路大理至保山段、郑万铁路湖北至重庆段、新成昆铁路峨眉至冕宁段隧道的概况及特点进行介绍,并总结其技术经验。经过郑万铁路隧道建设的实践探索,逐步形成了隧道建设全工序、全地质、


Abstract: Statistical analysis is conducted on railway tunnel projects, high-speed railway tunnels, and extra-long railway
tunnels in China by the end of 2022. It is shown that: (1) The operating mileage of railway has reached 155 000 km in
China. To be specific, 17 873 railway tunnels have been put into operation, with a total length of 21 978 km. (2) The
total length of high-speed railways that have been put into operation in China has exceeded 42 000 km, and up to 4 178
tunnels with a total length of 7 032 km have been built for high-speed railways. Among them, 105 are extra-long tunnels
for high-speed railways with a length of more than 10 km each and a total length of about 1 339 km. (3) 259 extra-long
railway tunnels have been put into operation in China, with a total length of about 3 498 km. Among them, there are 12
extra-long railway tunnels over 20 km each, with a total length of about 283 km. Finally, the key projects newly put into
operation in 2022, namely Dali-Baoshan section of Dali-Ruili railway, Hubei-Chongqing section of Zhengzhou-Wanzhou
railway, and Emei-Mianning section of New Chengdu-Kunming railway, and their characteristics are briefly introduced.
The construction technologies and experiences form a suit of full-process, full-geology, and full-face mechanized design
and construction technology through application of the Zhengzhou-Wanzhou railway tunnel; the successful construction
of the Dali-Baoshan section of the Dali-Ruili railway and extra-long New Chengdu-Kunming railway has laid a solid
foundation for the construction of long-and-large tunnels located in complex mountainous areas. The successful
construction of these projects has laid a good foundation for the information-based, mechanized, and intelligent
construction of railway tunnels, laid a solid foundation for the construction of high-speed railways in complex and
dangerous mountainous areas, and demonstrated the progress of tunnel construction technology in China under special
and complex geological conditions.