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隧道建设(中英文) ›› 2014, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (2): 101-106.DOI: 10.3973/j.issn.1672-741X.2014.02.002

• 研究与探索 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. (上海市城市建设设计研究总院, 上海〓200125)
  • 收稿日期:2013-12-05 修回日期:2014-01-23 出版日期:2014-02-10 发布日期:2014-02-27
  • 作者简介:张银屏(1980—),女,吉林白山人,2006年毕业于同济大学,道路与铁道工程专业,硕士,工程师, 主要从事城市隧道工程设计与研究工作。

Study on Ground Penetrating Shieldbored Tunnel Calculation Parameters in Modified Routine Method

ZHANG Yinping   

  1. (Shanghai Urban Construction Design & Research Institute, Shanghai 200125, China)
  • Received:2013-12-05 Revised:2014-01-23 Online:2014-02-10 Published:2014-02-27


盾构隧道衬砌内力计算常用方法为修正惯用法,其计算参数一般根据经验选取。基于壳-弹簧模型,考虑接头抗弯刚度与接头轴力弯矩的非线性关系,对地面出入式超浅埋盾构隧道修正惯用法的关键计算参数抗弯刚度效率系数η和弯矩调整系数ξ的取值进行分析研究。得到结论: 超浅埋盾构隧道η应在规范范围内取最小值,ξ应取最大值,负覆土情况下可偏保守取1。

关键词: 地面出入式盾构隧道, 修正惯用法, 抗弯刚度效率系数, 弯矩调整系数


Modified routine method is widely used in the calculation of the internal force of shieldbored tunnels, and the calculation parameters are generally selected according to the experience. In the paper, the key calculation parameters of ground penetrating shieldbored tunnel in the modified routine method, i.e., the stiffness reduction ratio (η) and the moment release ratio (ξ), are analyzed on basis of shellspring model, considering the nonlinear relationship between the bending stiffness and axial bending moment of the segment joints. Conclusions drawn are as follows: 1) For shieldbored tunnel with supershallow overburden, the minimum value in the specified range of specifications should be adopted for stiffness reduction ratio (η) and the maximum value should be adopted for the moment release ratio (ξ); 2) When the top of the tunnel is above the ground surface, value 1 should be adopted conservatively.

Key words: ground penetrating shieldbored tunnel, modified routine method, stiffness reduction ratio, moment release ratio