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隧道建设(中英文) ›› 2020, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (S1): 350-357.DOI: 10.3973/j.issn.2096-4498.2020.S1.045

• 施工技术 • 上一篇    下一篇


李安云, 孙钰斌, 胡增绪, 张雷*   

  1. (中交隧道工程局有限公司, 北京 100102
  • 出版日期:2020-08-30 发布日期:2020-09-14
  • 作者简介:李安云(1979—),男,安徽淮北人,2003年毕业于天津职业师范学院,自动化专业,本科,高级工程师,主要从事地铁施工技术管理工作。E-mail: anyunli@163.com。*通信作者: 张雷, E-mail: 350737300@qq.com。

Fine Assembling Technology of Negative Ring of Superlarge Diameter Shield: a Case Study on Nanjing Heyan Road Rivercrossing Tunnel Project

LI Anyun, SUN Yubin, HU Zengxu, ZHANG Lei*   

  1. (CCCC Tunnel Engineering Co., Ltd., Beijing 100102, China)
  • Online:2020-08-30 Published:2020-09-14

摘要: 负环拼装是盾构始发过程中十分重要的一道施工工序。为解决超大直径盾构始发时负环拼装较为困难、拼装工序不规范、拼装尺寸偏差大等施工问题,以南京和燕路过江通道工程项目为研究对象,采用理论研究、三维模拟、数值计算等方法对超大直径盾构负环精细化拼装的施工过程及真圆度拟合检查方式进行研究,重点对负环拼装定位方法及相关施工测量内容进行研究,并叙述施工过程中的控制要点,总结得出管片定位特征点的选取方式、管片推出时的控制方法、减小管片下沉影响的方式、管片拼装的控制标准等结论,形成一种超大直径盾构管片平整度的计算方法。将研究结论应用于依托项目后,和燕路过江通道项目负环拼装过程顺利,负环拼装精度及真圆度的控制均高于设计及规范要求,最大程度减少了错台和椭变,大大提高了管片成型质量。

关键词: 超大直径盾构, 负环拼装, 拼装定位, 拼装精细化, 管片平整度检测

Abstract: The negative ring assembly is one of the key construction processes in shield launching. In order to solve the construction problems such as negative ring assembly difficulty during shield launching, irregular assembly process and large deviation of assembly size, theoretical study, threedimensional simulation, numerical calculations, etc. are used to study the construction process and roundness fitting inspection methods of fine assembly of superlarge diameter shield negative ring by taking Nanjing Heyan Road Rivercrossing Project for example. The assembly positioning method and related construction measurement content of negative ring are emphatically studied; the control points in the construction process are described; the selection method of locating feature points, the control method when tubes are rolled out, the method to reduce the influence of tube sinking, the control standards for tube assembling, etc. are summarized; and thus a calculation method of flatness of the superlarge diameter shield tubes is formed. The applicable results of the study (to the negative ring assembly process of Heyan Road Rivercrossing Tunnel Project) show that: the construction process is smooth, the accuracy of the negative ring assembly and the control of the roundness are higher than the requirements of the design and specification, and the dislocation and ellipticity are reduced to the maximum extent, which greatly improves the forming quality of the tubes.

Key words: superlarge diameter shield, negative ring assembly, assembly positioning, assembly refinement, tube flatness detection
