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隧道建设(中英文) ›› 2024, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (5): 897-926.DOI: 10.3973/j.issn.2096-4498.2024.05.001

• 专家论坛 • 上一篇    下一篇

Recent Advances in Key Technologies of Shield Tunnel Engineering in China(中国盾构隧道工程关键技术的新进展综述)

钱七虎1, 胡小强2, 李树忱3, 陈健4, 5, 竺维彬6   

  1. (1. 陆军工程大学, 江苏 南京 210007; 2. 中国科学院金属研究所, 辽宁 沈阳 110016;3. 中国矿业大学, 江苏 徐州 221116; 4. 中铁十四局集团有限公司, 山东 济南 250101;5. 中国铁建水下隧道工程实验室, 山东 济南 250101; 6. 广州地铁集团有限公司, 广东 广州 510330)
  • 出版日期:2024-05-20 发布日期:2024-06-21
  • 作者简介:钱七虎(1937—),男,江苏昆山人,1965 年毕业于莫斯科古比雪夫军事工程学院,防护工程专业,副博士,中国工程院院士,教授,博士生导师,从事隧道及地下工程建设科研工作。 E-mail: gcyqqh@ 163. com。

Recent Advances in Key Technologies of Shield Tunnel Engineering in China

QIAN Qihu1, HU Xiaoqiang2, LI Shuchen3, CHEN Jian4, 5, ZHU Weibin6   

  1. (1. Army Engineering University of PLA, Nanjing 210007, Jiangsu, China;2. Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang 110016, Liaoning, China;3. China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221116, Jiangsu, China;4. China Railway 14 Bureau Group Co., Ltd., Jinan 250101, Shandong, China;5. CRCC Underwater Tunnel Engineering Laboratory, Jinan 250101, Shandong, China;6. Guangzhou Metro Group Co., Ltd., Guangzhou 510330, Guangdong, China)
  • Online:2024-05-20 Published:2024-06-21

摘要: 从研究背景与思路、机制/ 原理、材料/ 装备、技术论证、试验研究、工程应用等方面介绍中国大直径盾构掘进主轴承事故分析及国产主轴承的自主研发、盾构隧道工程安全高效掘进渣土适配性改良技术及配套材料、盾尾安全保障核心材料研发、盾构隧道新型管片连接技术、城市隧道三模掘进机关键技术等5 个方面关键技术的最新进展情况。认为: 1)自主研制的超大型盾构机用直径8. 01 m 主轴承大型套圈纯净度、大型滚子纯净度、大型套圈疲劳性能、大型滚子硬度均匀性、套圈材料淬透性和淬硬层深度、保持架焊缝疲劳寿命和拉断力均优于进口水平; 构建了真实对数曲线大型滚子设计方法,突破了高精度大型滚子加工技术,处于国际先进水平,高精度加工和装配保证了零件尺寸精度及形位公差均满足设计要求; 通过产品验收、装机应用论证和工程应用,表明应用该大直径主轴承不会产生接触疲劳强度不足和微动引起的疲劳磨损,可用于超大直径盾构隧道工程建设。2)针对黏性、富水砂性和硬岩等复杂地层,以改善岩土环境为核心,研发出了高配向密度的聚合型泡沫剂、高分子抗黏剂、喷涌防止剂和耐磨抑尘剂等环保型系列渣土改良剂,形成了盾构泥饼、喷涌和磨损原位改良主动防控技术,建立了通用地层适配性盾构渣土动态改良技术体系,保障了盾构安全高效掘进。3)针对盾构掘进过程中的盾尾密封失效难题,研发了“黏-稠-流”有机统一的新型盾尾密封油脂,温度敏感性低(黏温系数0. 4)、抗水压能力强(最高抗水压3. 5 MPa),整体性能提高1. 3 倍,为盾尾安全提供了有力保障; 针对盾构同步注浆浆液泌水、离析和地层沉降难题,研发出了同步注浆充填剂,优化了惰性充填浆液配比,30 min 零泌水,实现了壁后惰性充填,保障了管片壁后注浆质量和地层沉降精细化控制。4)新型管片连接技术采用环缝插入+纵缝滑入的连接形式,可以高标准地控制隧道接缝张开量和错台量,管片制作及拼装精度高,可降低接缝防水难度,提升成型隧道的质量,无需设置手孔,无需人工紧固作业,自动化程度高,施工效率高,可节约施工成本及改善洞内拼装作业环境。5)研制出的土压+泥水+TBM 三模掘进机能够满足复杂多变、软硬不均复合地层等几乎所有地层的掘进施工,且可在不停机、不拆装设备的前提下实现掘进模式的快速转换,在TBM 掘进模式下螺旋输送机+泥浆管道可协同排渣,解决了富水硬岩地层掘进排渣难的问题,机械化和智能化程度高,安全可靠,施工效率高,可改善工人作业环境,节省工期和成本。中国盾构隧道建设取得的巨大成就,推动了中国乃至世界盾构隧道技术的发展和进步,但仍时有安全事故发生,需从装备、材料、技术、管理等方面进一步研究和突破。在今后较长的时间内,中国盾构隧道(尤其是大直径盾构隧道)仍将处于高速建设发展期,面临的建设条件将越来越复杂,技术难度和挑战也将越来越大。要实现盾构隧道建设的快速、安全、健康,需处理好盾构隧道技术领域的关键问题,实现盾构隧道关键核心技术的突破。上述关键技术仍需不断完善并加强推广和应用,以促进中国盾构隧道建设向高适应性、高智能、高可靠性、高效益、高质量、高安全性和低能耗方向发展,形成适合于中国“土壤”的盾构隧道新技术。

关键词: 盾构隧道, 大直径主轴承, 渣土适配性改良, 盾尾密封, 管片连接, 三模掘进机

Abstract: The authors provide an overview of the latest progress in five key technologies of shield tunnel engineering in China, including accident analysis of the main bearing during large-diameter shield tunneling and independent R&D of domestic main bearings, muck adaptability improvement technology and supporting materials for efficient tunneling in shield tunnel engineering, safety technology and materials for shield tail seal, new segment connection technology for shield tunnel engineering, and key technologies of  three-mode boring machine in urban tunnel engineering. The overview covers research background and methodology, mechanisms/principles, materials/equipment, technical verification, experimental research, and engineering applications. It is concluded that: (1) In terms of the purity of large rings and rollers, fatigue performance of the large ring, hardness uniformity of the large roller, hardenability and depth of hardening layer of the ring material, as well as the fatigue life and tensile breaking force of the retainer welds, the independently developed main bearings with a diameter of 8.01 m for super large shield are superior to the imported counterparts. The design method of large roller with real logarithmic curve is established, achieving a breakthrough in high-precision large roller processing technology and reaching an internationally advanced level. The high-precision assembly ensures that the dimensional accuracy and geometrical tolerance of parts meet the design requirements. Through product acceptance, installation application demonstrations, and engineering applications, it has been demonstrated that the use of this large-diameter main bearing does not lead to insufficient contact fatigue strength or fretting fatigue wear. Therefore, this kind of main bearing can be used in the super-large-diameter shield tunnel engineering. (2) In order to improve the rock-soil environment, focusing on complex strata such as cohesive strata, sandy strata, and hard rock strata, a series of environmentally-friendly muck conditioners has been developed including polymer foam agents with high arrangement density, polymer antiadhesion agents, gushing prevention agents, and wear-resistant dust suppressant. In addition, the active prevention and control technology for insitu improvement of the shield mud cake, gushing, and wear has been developed, and the technical system for dynamic improvement of adaptability of all-strata muck in shield tunnel engineering has been established, thus ensuring safe and efficient tunneling of the shield machine. (3) In response to the challenging issue of shield tail seal failure during shield tunneling, a new type of shield tail sealing grease with "adhesive-viscous-fluid" properties has been developed. It exhibits low temperature sensitivity (viscosity-temperature coefficient: 0.4) and strong water pressure resistance (maximum water pressure resistance: 3.5 MPa). The overall performance is improved by 1.3 times, providing strong assurance for shield tail safety. Addressing the difficulties of slurry bleeding and segregation of synchronous grouting as well as stratum settlement during shield tunneling, a filling agent for synchronous grouting has been developed. By optimizing the mix ratio of the inert filling slurry, zero  bleeding within 30 minutes as well as inert filling behind the wall were achieved, ensuring the quality of grouting behind the segment wall (i.e., grouting of cavity between excavation face and segment) and the refined control over the stratum settlement. (4) A connection form of circumferential seam insertion + longitudinal seam sliding is adopted for the new segment connection technology, enabling high-standard control of joint opening and dislocation of the tunnel. With high precision in segment fabrication and assembly, it can reduce the waterproofing difficulty of joints, enhance the quality of formed tunnels, eliminate the need for handhole setting and manual fastening operations, as well as achieve high levels of automation and construction efficiency. This approach can save construction costs and improve the assembly environment inside the tunnel. (5) The developed "EPB + slurry + TBM" three-mode boring machine is able to meet the tunneling construction requirements of almost all types of strata, including complex and varied strata, as well as uneven soft/hard composite strata. It can achieve rapid switching of tunneling modes without the need to stop or dismantle equipment. Under the TBM tunneling mode, the screw conveyor and slurry pipeline work together to discharge the muck, effectively solving the problem of difficult muck removal during tunneling in water-rich hard rock strata. The machine features a high level of mechanization and intelligence, guaranteeing construction safety and reliability while also improving construction efficiency. It enhances working conditions for workers, ultimately saving time and costs. China has achieved significant progress in shield tunnel construction, which has driven the development of shield tunnel technology not only in China but also worldwide. However, shield accidents still occur, necessitating further research and breakthroughs in equipment, materials, technologies, and management. In the foreseeable future, shield tunnels in China, especially for large-diameter shield tunnels, will continue to experience rapid development. Construction conditions will become increasingly complex, and the technical challenges will also grow. To achieve fast, safe, and healthy shield tunnel construction, it is crucial to address key issues in shield tunnel technology and make breakthroughs in critical core technologies in this field. The above key technologies still need to be continuously improved, promoted and applied, so as to promote the development of Chinas shield tunnel construction towards high adaptability, high intelligence, high reliability, high benifit, high quality, high safety, and low energy consumption, forming new shield tunnel technologies suitable for the "soil" of China.

Key words: shield tunnel, large diameter main bearing, muck adaptability improvement, shield tail seal, segment connection, three-mode boring machine