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隧道建设(中英文) ›› 2018, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (6): 879-894.DOI: 10.3973/j.issn.2096-4498.2018.06.001
LI Zhijun, WANG Qiulin*, CHEN Wang, GUO Xiaolong
李志军, 王秋林*, 陈旺, 郭小龙
In this paper, the application status of foundation trench excavation and navigation channel dredging, dry dock construction, element precasting, element transport, element mooring, element immersion, joint treatment and foundation treatment of several typical immersed tunnels in China are introduced. And then the Honggu Immersed Tunnel in Nanchang and subsea tunnel of islandtunnel project of Hong KongZhuhaiMacao Bridge are taken as examples; and some innovations of key technologies, i.e. key construction technology, element transport and immersed technology, differential settlement control technology for element immersion, subsea connection technology, and subsea space development and subsea harbor construction technology, are summarized for rivercrossing and seacrossing immersed tunnels. Finally, the development trends of immersed tunnels are prospected based on new technologies and equipments from the aspects of prolongation of immersed tunnel, field breakthrough, urban construction promoting and traffic demand adding of cities along rivers and seas. The results can provide reference for construction and popularization of immersed tunnels.