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隧道建设(中英文) ›› 2019, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (5): 710-723.DOI: 10.3973/j.issn.2096-4498.2019.05.002

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Development and Thinking of Tunnels and Underground Engineering in China in Recent 2 Years (From 2017 to 2018)(近2年我国隧道及地下工程发展与思考(2017—2018年))

HONG Kairong1, 2   

  1. (1. China Railway Tunnel Group Co., Ltd., Guangzhou 511458, Guangdong, China; 2. State Key Laboratory of Shield Machine and Boring Technology, Zhengzhou 450001, Henan, China)
  • 收稿日期:2019-02-22 出版日期:2019-05-20 发布日期:2020-03-11
  • 作者简介:洪开荣(1965—),男,湖南株洲人,1990年毕业于兰州铁道学院,桥梁与地下工程专业,博士,教授级高级工程师,现从事隧道与地下工程设计、施工、科研及管理工作。中铁隧道局集团有限公司总工程师,盾构及掘进技术国家重点实验室主任,中国土木工程学会隧道及地下工程分会秘书长,中原学者,国家“万人计划”科技创新领军人才,国务院政府特殊津贴专家。Email: ctgkr@vip.163.com。


洪开荣1, 2   

  1. (1. 中铁隧道局集团有限公司, 广东广州 511458; 2. 盾构及掘进技术国家重点实验室, 河南郑州 450001)
  • Received:2019-02-22 Online:2019-05-20 Published:2020-03-11


The author gives an overview of the development of tunnels and underground engineering in China in the past two years, including railway tunnel, highspeed railway tunnel, highway tunnel, metro tunnel, hydraulic tunnel and utility tunnel, and introduces some key and representative railway, highway and municipal tunnels projects, i.e. Muzhailing Tunnel on LanzhouChongqing Railway, Dangjinshan Tunnel on DunhuangGolmud Railway, immersed tunnel of Hong KongZhuhaiMacao Bridge, ChinaLaos Railway Tunnel, Gaoligongshan Tunnel on DaliRuili Railway, Yuelongmen Tunnel on ChengduLanzhou Railway, Tianshan Shengli Tunnel on UrumchiYuli County Highspeed Railway, ShenzhenZhongshan Passage, Su′ai Tunnel in Shantou, KaShuang Tunnel of Ertix River Water Diversion Project, Qianhai underground integrated hub in Shenzhen and underground integrated structure of Optics Valley Square in Wuhan. The author also introduces the development and progress in the fields of engineering investigation technology, BIM technology, mechanized and intelligent tunnel construction technology, shield/TBM manufacturing and remanufacturing technology, offshore immersed tube tunnel construction technology, noncircular shield tunnel construction technology, tunnel big data platform construction technology, etc. According to the operation of series national strategies and planning such as SichuanTibet Railway, coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, the Yangtze Economic belt, and the GuangdongHong KongMacao Greater Bay Area, following technical demands are proposed, namely, seacrossing tunnels, construction of complex and longdistance tunnels, environmental protection technology for tunnel construction in ecologically vulnerable areas, development of largescale urban underground complexes, research and development of new materials in alpine environment, intelligent diagnosis of tunnel diseases and rapid repairs, intelligent disaster prevention of ultralong complicated tunnels and underground engineering, etc. Some thoughts and suggestions are put forward in two aspects of engineering construction management mode and mechanization supporting in combination with the development status of the industry.

关键词: tunnel and underground projects, railway tunnel, highway tunnel, metro tunnel, hydraulic tunnel, utility tunnel, immersed tunnel, underground integrated hub, tunnel investigation, BIM, mechanized supporting, shield/TBM remanufacturing, noncircular shield, tunnel big data platform construction, ecological protection of tunnel site, alpine environment, tunnel diseases, intelligent disaster prevention, engineering construction management mode, drilling and blasting method


概述我国隧道及地下工程近2年的发展情况,包括铁路隧道、高速铁路隧道、公路隧道、地铁隧道、水工隧洞及综合管廊;并对铁路、公路、市政等方面的重大典型工程进行具体介绍,包括兰渝铁路木寨岭隧道、敦格铁路当金山隧道、港珠澳大桥沉管隧道、中老铁路隧道、大瑞铁路高黎贡山隧道、成兰铁路跃龙门隧道、乌尉高速天山胜利隧道、深中通道、汕头苏埃通道、引额供水项目喀双隧洞、深圳前海综合交通枢纽工程、武汉光谷广场地下综合体等。总结近2年来我国在隧道工程勘察技术、隧道建设的BIM技术、隧道机械化及智能化建设技术、盾构/TBM制造及再制造技术、海上沉管隧道修建技术、异形盾构隧道修建技术、隧道大数据平台建设技术等方面取得的发展。依据川藏铁路、京津冀协调发展、长江经济带、粤港澳大湾区等一系列国家发展战略、规划的启动与实施,分析各个方面对隧道及地下工程领域提出的技术需求,包括: 跨海隧道修建技术、复杂条件超长隧道修建技术、生态脆弱区隧道施工环保技术、城市地下大型综合体开发、高寒环境新材料研发、隧道病害智能诊断与快速修复技术、超长复杂隧道及地下工程智慧防灾技术等。最后,结合行业发展现状,从如何提升隧道工程建设管理理念和如何深入推进钻爆法机械化施工进程2个方面对行业发展提出思考和建议。

Key words: 隧道及地下工程, 铁路隧道, 公路隧道, 地铁隧道, 水工隧洞, 综合管廊, 沉管隧道, 地下综合枢纽, 隧道勘察, BIM, 机械化配套, 盾构/TBM再制造, 异形盾构, 隧道大数据平台建设, 隧址生态保护, 高寒环境, 隧道病害, 智慧防灾, 工程建设管理模式, 钻爆法
