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隧道建设(中英文) ›› 2019, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (5): 710-723.DOI: 10.3973/j.issn.2096-4498.2019.05.002
HONG Kairong1, 2
洪开荣1, 2
The author gives an overview of the development of tunnels and underground engineering in China in the past two years, including railway tunnel, highspeed railway tunnel, highway tunnel, metro tunnel, hydraulic tunnel and utility tunnel, and introduces some key and representative railway, highway and municipal tunnels projects, i.e. Muzhailing Tunnel on LanzhouChongqing Railway, Dangjinshan Tunnel on DunhuangGolmud Railway, immersed tunnel of Hong KongZhuhaiMacao Bridge, ChinaLaos Railway Tunnel, Gaoligongshan Tunnel on DaliRuili Railway, Yuelongmen Tunnel on ChengduLanzhou Railway, Tianshan Shengli Tunnel on UrumchiYuli County Highspeed Railway, ShenzhenZhongshan Passage, Su′ai Tunnel in Shantou, KaShuang Tunnel of Ertix River Water Diversion Project, Qianhai underground integrated hub in Shenzhen and underground integrated structure of Optics Valley Square in Wuhan. The author also introduces the development and progress in the fields of engineering investigation technology, BIM technology, mechanized and intelligent tunnel construction technology, shield/TBM manufacturing and remanufacturing technology, offshore immersed tube tunnel construction technology, noncircular shield tunnel construction technology, tunnel big data platform construction technology, etc. According to the operation of series national strategies and planning such as SichuanTibet Railway, coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, the Yangtze Economic belt, and the GuangdongHong KongMacao Greater Bay Area, following technical demands are proposed, namely, seacrossing tunnels, construction of complex and longdistance tunnels, environmental protection technology for tunnel construction in ecologically vulnerable areas, development of largescale urban underground complexes, research and development of new materials in alpine environment, intelligent diagnosis of tunnel diseases and rapid repairs, intelligent disaster prevention of ultralong complicated tunnels and underground engineering, etc. Some thoughts and suggestions are put forward in two aspects of engineering construction management mode and mechanization supporting in combination with the development status of the industry.