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隧道建设(中英文) ›› 2020, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (9): 1350-1359.DOI: 10.3973/j.issn.2096-4498.2020.09.014

• 规划与设计 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. (中铁第六勘察设计院集团有限公司, 天津 300308
  • 出版日期:2020-09-20 发布日期:2020-10-10
  • 作者简介:石广银(1981—), 男, 山东阳谷人, 2008年毕业于西安建筑科技大学,岩土工程专业, 硕士, 高级工程师, 现从事城市轨道交通建筑消防设计与科研工作。E-mail: sgy001352@126.com。

Analysis of Public Area Layout of Metro Station Based on Evacuation Simulation

SHI Guangyin   

  1. (China Raliway Liuyuan Group Co., Ltd., Tianjin 300308, China)
  • Online:2020-09-20 Published:2020-10-10

摘要: 车站设计时为满足防灾规范及正常服务功能,常设计多种公共区楼扶梯及闸机布置方案,而由于各方案疏散设施相同,无法用现行疏散规范计算方法区分每种方案的优劣。为解决该问题,结合12 m单柱岛式站台公共区楼扶梯的3种布置方案,采用模拟仿真软件Pathfinder对各方案及其不同工况进行仿真分析研究,同时导入FDS数据分析不同火灾点对疏散的影响。基于疏散仿真设计的角度分析,3种公共区布置方案中,采用楼扶梯+双扶+垂梯+双扶+楼扶梯的形式更有利于乘客疏散;同时,设计中应重视付费区与非付费区间平开门的疏散作用,并应将其设置在疏散客流流线上。

关键词: 地铁车站, 公共区, 防灾疏散, 仿真分析

Abstract: There are many layout schemes of escalator and gate in public area of metro station which can meet relevant requirements of disaster prevention and normal service functions. Due to the same evacuation facilities in each scheme, it is impossible to distinguish the advantages and disadvantages of each scheme with the current calculation method of evacuation specifications. Hence, the simulation software Pathfinder is used to simulate and analyze each scheme and their different working conditions based on three escalator layout schemes in public area of 12 m single column island platform. Meanwhile, the FDS data are imported to analyze the impact of different fire points on evacuation. From the perspective of evacuation simulation design, it can be concluded that: (1) The layout scheme of escalator + double support + elevator+ double support + escalator in the public area is more conducive to passenger evacuation; (2) Attentions should be paid to the evacuation function of vertical hinged door in paid and nonpaid areas, and the vertical hinged door should be set on the evacuation passenger flow line.

Key words: metro station, public area, emergency evacuation, simulation analysis
