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隧道建设(中英文) ›› 2021, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (8): 1281-.DOI: 10.3973/j.issn.2096-4498.2021.08.002

• 川藏铁路隧道专栏 • 上一篇    下一篇


刘飞香, 姬海东, 肖正航   

  1. (中国铁建重工集团股份有限公司, 湖南 长沙 410100
  • 出版日期:2021-08-20 发布日期:2021-09-06
  • 作者简介:刘飞香(1963—),男, 湖南湘阴人,1983年毕业于西南交通大学,工程机械专业,本科,教授级高级工程师,主要从事隧道建造智能装备研制与规划工作。E-mail: liufeixiang@crchi.com。
  • 基金资助:
    湖南省创新型省份建设专项项目(2019GK1010); 川藏铁路隧道智能施工关键技术研究及装备研制项目(2019A05

Complete Set of Equipment Technology System for Drill-and-Blast Tunnel Construction in Sichuan-Tibet Railway

LIU Feixiang, JI Haidong, XIAO Zhenghang   

  1. (China Railway Construction Heavy Industry Co., Ltd., Changsha 410100, Hunan, China)
  • Online:2021-08-20 Published:2021-09-06

摘要: 为实现川藏铁路高起点、高质量、高标准的建设目标,针对高原长大隧道群在地质、气候、生态等方面的风险和挑战,系统性地开展钻爆法成套装备技术体系研究。首先,对川藏铁路隧道钻爆法施工面临的主要挑战进行系统分析,提出与工程特点紧密结合的高原环境、复杂地质、生态环境、机群协同4方面装备技术需求,并详细阐述对应装备的适应性设计技术。然后,以常规地质标准化配置和特殊地质针对性处置为策略,提出川藏铁路隧道施工成套装备体系的建议方案,以适应川藏铁路一般性及特殊风险隧道建设的需要。最后,针对川藏铁路工程对数字化、信息化管理的更高要求,开展以装备数据为驱动的围岩分级与动态设计、装备机群施工调度、施工质量在线评价关键技术的初步探索。通过建立智能成套装备机群协同作业平台,依托机械化、信息化、智能化为川藏铁路安全、优质、高效、绿色建设提供支撑。


川藏铁路隧道, 钻爆法, 智能装备, 智能建造

Abstract:  To achieve the highstarting, high quality and high standard construction of the SichuanTibet Railway, a systematic study has been conducted on the complete set of drillandblast technology systems, considering the risks and challenges of long and large tunnel groups in plateau areas, such as geology, climate and ecology. First, the main challenges of the drillandblast construction of the SichuanTibet railway tunnel are analyzed. The equipment technical demands closely connected with engineering characteristics are proposed considering plateau environments, complex geology, ecological environments and equipment group coordination. The corresponding equipment adaptive research and development design technology are discussed. Second, based on standard configuration for conventional geology and targeted treatment for special geology, a completeset equipment system is proposed for tunnel construction to meet the tunnel construction demands of the SichuanTibet railway. Last, for the higher requirement on the digitization and information management during the SichuanTibet railway construction, a preliminary exploration of key techniques for rock classification and dynamic design, equipment group collaborative scheduling, and constructionquality online evaluation driven by equipment data is carried out. The established complete set of intelligent equipment and collaborative operation platform can provide support for the safe, highquality, efficient and green construction of the SichuanTibet railway through mechanization, information and intelligentization.

Key words: SichuanTibet railway tunnel, drillandblast method, intelligent equipment; intelligent construction
