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隧道建设(中英文) ›› 2015, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (7): 721-726.DOI: 10.3973/j.issn.1672-741X.2015.07.017

• 施工技术 • 上一篇    下一篇


吴学智1, 王建1, 杨保全2, 曾天文1   

  1. (1.中国电建集团成都勘测设计研究院有限公司, 四川成都 611130 ; 2.中铁十局集团第二工程有限公司, 河南郑州 476008)
  • 收稿日期:2014-10-09 修回日期:2015-03-17 出版日期:2015-07-20 发布日期:2015-07-29
  • 作者简介:吴学智(1974—),男,甘肃静宁人,2008年毕业于西南交通大学,建筑与土木工程专业,硕士,高级工程师,从事隧道施工设计及研究工作。

Analysis on Deformation of a Shallowcovered Asymmetricallypressured Tunnel Portal Section Located in Toppling Deformed Ground and Its Treatment

WU Xuezhi1, WANG Jian1, YANG Baoquan2, ZENG Tianwen1   

  1. (1. Power China Chengdu Engineering Corporation Limited, Chengdu 611130, Sichuan, China;2. No. 2 Engineering Co., Ltd. of the Tenth Engineering Group Company of China Railway, Zhengzhou 476008, Henan, China)
  • Received:2014-10-09 Revised:2015-03-17 Online:2015-07-20 Published:2015-07-29


以处于强倾倒变形体内并在施工过程中出现过2次变形的浅埋偏压隧道进口段为研究对象,针对实际工程地质条件及变形情况,应用新奥法原理及拱效应理论,以变形观察及监控量测为信息化施工手段,及时采用堆(填)碴反压、注浆加固、网喷补强支护等一系列有针对性的补救措施,在洞内成功地加固变形隧道,制止过大变形可能诱发隧道塌方及山体滑坡的险情; 并在后续施工中,通过调整支护参数和利用创新的“三台阶八步法”施工方法,安全、顺利地完成后续不良地质段的隧道施工任务。

关键词: 隧道洞口, 倾倒变形, 浅埋偏压, 台阶法, 变形加固


The entrance portal section of a tunnel is located in toppling deformed ground and is shallowcovered and asymmetricallypressured. Two deformation incidents occurred during the construction of the portal section of the tunnel. In the paper, the causes for the deformation incidents are analyzed, and countermeasures such as muck piling, grouting and additional wiremeshing and shotcreting are taken. In the end, the deformation of the tunnel portal section has been brought under effective control and the possible tunnel collapse and landslide have been avoided. In the construction of the remaining tunnel section, the support parameters have been adjusted and the “threebench eightstep” construction method has been used innovatively. Finally, the tunnel has been completed successfully. 

Key words: tunnel portal, toppling deformation, shallow cover and asymmetrical pressure, bench method, deformation control
