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隧道建设(中英文) ›› 2016, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (5): 592-599.DOI: 10.3973/j.issn.1672-741X.2016.05.015

• 施工技术 • 上一篇    下一篇


李立功1, 张亮亮2, 刘星1   

  1. (1. 北京中铁隧建筑有限公司, 北京 100022; 2. 中铁隧道集团二处有限公司, 河北 三河 065201)
  • 收稿日期:2015-12-15 修回日期:2016-03-08 出版日期:2016-05-20 发布日期:2016-05-25
  • 作者简介:李立功(1978—),男,河南洛阳人,2013年毕业于四川大学,工程管理专业,本科,工程师,现从事地铁隧道、TBM、桥梁等技术管理工作。Email: llg5300@sina.com。

Study of Technology of Blasting Vibration Velocity Control of Small  Clear Spacing Twintube Tunnel Crossing Underneath Buildings

LI Ligong1, ZHANG Liangliang2, LIU Xing1   

  1. (1. China Railway Tunnel Group Beijing CTG Construction Co., Ltd., Beijing 100022, China;  2. Erchu Co., Ltd. of China Railway Tunnel Group, Sanhe 065201, Hebei, China)
  • Received:2015-12-15 Revised:2016-03-08 Online:2016-05-20 Published:2016-05-25



关键词: 小净距隧道, 下穿建筑物, 减振孔, 水压爆破, 延时爆破, 振速控制


The mined small clear spacing twintube tunnel on Shixinlu StationShiqiaopu Station on Line No. 5 of Chongqing railway transit crosses many buildings. The influence of blasting vibration on environment is studied; and a series of technologies, such as energy conservation and environmental protection hydraulic blasting, step by step construction, millisecond controlled blasting, blasting parameter optimization, vibration reduction hole increasing and enlarging and informationization monitoring, are adopted. The blasting vibration velocity has been brought under effective control by optimizing drilling and blasting parameters. Some conclusions are drawn as follows: 1) The blasting vibration velocity at the cut eye is the largest; the vibration velocity along longitudinal direction is the largest, followed by that along radial direction, and that along tangent direction is the smallest; and the blasting vibration velocity before tunnel crosses underneath building is smaller than that after tunnel crosses underneath buildings. 2) Compared to traditional blasting, the blasting vibration velocity induced by hydraulic blasting can be reduced by 13%-22%; compared to hydraulic blasting, the blasting vibration velocity induced by increasing vibration reduction hold method can be reduced by 16%-28%.

Key words: small clear spacing tunnel, undercrossing building, vibration reduction hole, hydraulic blasting, millisecond controlled blasting, vibration velocity contro
