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隧道建设(中英文) ›› 2021, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (1): 143-148.DOI: 10.3973/j.issn.2096-4498.2021.01.016

• 施工机械 • 上一篇    下一篇


陈宝宗1, 徐艳群2, 尚海龙3, 陶仁太1, 崔利卫1   

  1. 1. 中铁工程装备集团有限公司, 河南 郑州 450016 2. 山东文登抽水蓄能有限公司, 山东 威海 264200; 3. 中国电建集团北京勘测设计研究院有限公司, 北京 100024
  • 出版日期:2021-01-20 发布日期:2021-02-08
  • 作者简介:陈宝宗(1989—),男,河南长垣人,2013年毕业于河南科技大学,机械设计制造及自动化专业,本科,工程师,主要从事隧道掘进机(TBM)设计研发工作。E-mail: cbz2000@163.com。

Design and Engineering Application of a Compact TBM for an Ultrasmall Turning Radius: a Case Study of Drainage Corridor of Wendeng PumpedStorage Power Station

CHEN Baozong1, XU Yanqun2, SHANG Hailong3, TAO Rentai1, CUI Liwei1   

  1. (1. China Railway Engineering Equipment Group Co., Ltd., Zhengzhou 450016, Henan, China; 2. Shandong Wendeng Pumped Storage Co., Ltd., Weihai 264200, Shandong, China; 3. ChinaPower Beijing Engineering Corporation Limited, Beijing 100024, China )
  • Online:2021-01-20 Published:2021-02-08

摘要: 为解决抽水蓄能电站平洞建设中机械化程度低、作业环境差、安全风险大、施工效率低的问题,研究一种能适应超小转弯半径施工的紧凑型TBM。该类型TBM在双护盾TBM基础上,取消尾盾、辅推油缸、管片拼装机,同时结合敞开式TBM的锚网喷支护系统进行TBM整机集成设计,包括“V”形推进系统设计、刀盘锻造厚板技术、刀具小刀间距设计、组合式耐磨保护设计、紧凑型整机设计、皮带机超小转弯适应性设计、一体式皮带机设计、远程操作系统设计。研究成果在文登抽水蓄能电站排水廊道建设工程中取得了成功应用。

关键词: 抽水蓄能电站, 紧凑型TBM, 小转弯半径, 推进系统, 远程操作

Abstract: Tunnel construction in a pumpedstorage power station is characterized by low mechanization, poor operating environment, high safety risk, low construction efficiency, and other factors. Hence, a compact tunnel boring machine (TBM) for the construction of tunnel with an ultrasmall turning radius is developed. The need for a tail shield, an auxiliary thrust cylinder, and a segment erector is eliminated by the usage of a doubleshield TBM, and an integrated TBM is designed in combination with the open TBM anchor net spraying support system. Furthermore, the Vshaped propulsion system design, cutterhead thickplate forging technology, small cutterspacing design, combined wearresistant protection design, compact machine design, beltconveyor adaptability design for an ultrasmall turning radius, integrated belt conveyor design, remote operating system design, etc., are incorporated. The obtained research results have been successfully applied to the construction of the drainage corridor of the Wendeng pumpedstorage power station.

Key words: pumpedstorage power station, compact TBM; ultrasmall turning radius, propulsion system, remote operation
