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隧道建设(中英文) ›› 2024, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (4): 810-825.DOI: 10.3973/j.issn.2096-4498.2024.04.019

• 典型工程 • 上一篇    下一篇


王勇1, 徐国平1, 李勇1, 刘明虎1, 孙晓伟2, 冯先导2, 任耀谱1, 许昱1   

  1. 1. 中交公路规划设计院有限公司, 北京 100088 2. 中交第二航务工程局有限公司, 湖北 武汉 430000
  • 出版日期:2024-04-20 发布日期:2024-05-24
  • 作者简介:王勇(1980—),男,山东泰安人,2005年毕业于北京交通大学,岩土工程专业,博士,正高级工程师,主要从事隧道及地下工程设计研究工作。Email: wangyong5@ccccltd.cn。

Key Technologies in Constructing a Large Immersed Tunnel in Middle Reach of Inland River: A Case Study of Yuliangzhou Tunnel in Xiangyang, China

WANG Yong1, XU Guoping1, LI Yong1, LIU Minghu1, SUN Xiaowei2, FENG Xiandao2, REN Yaopu1, XU Yu1   

  1. (1. CCCC Highway Consultants Co., Ltd., Beijing 100088, China;2. CCCC Second Harbour Engineering Co., Ltd., Wuhan 430000, Hubei, China)
  • Online:2024-04-20 Published:2024-05-24


为解决内河中游区沉管隧道建造面临的河床冲刷强、强透水地层深厚、防洪要求高等问题,依托襄阳鱼梁洲沉管隧道工程,通过工程调研、理论分析、物模试验、数值模拟、现场测试等手段,对内河沉管隧道建造关键技术进行创新及应用,首次形成如下创新成果: 1)提出沉管隧道冲刷安全量化评价方法,给出沉管结构横向稳定性安全系数等5项评价指标及其评价标准体系,填补了沉管隧道防冲安全量化评价方法的空白; 2)研发利用管周摩擦力抵抗止水带回弹力的摩擦止推型最终接头,解决常规陆域接头需设置大型圬工结构的问题; 3)研发并量产可满足0.3 MPa外水压水密性、100年设计使用寿命的沉管接头外侧止水带国产化产品,其百年应力松弛衰减率仅25.5%,预测使用寿命144年,使中国实现沉管隧道全产业链技术的国产化; 4)提出整体式管节不设后浇带全断面顺浇预制工法,实现沉管结构预制工效提高52%、结构接缝减少61%、浇筑裂缝减少60% 5)在内河沉管隧道中采用先铺卵石垫层基础,并研发出全浮式高精度先铺卵石基床整平船; 6)研发应用沉管无焊接装配式端封门和柔性水袋压载水系统,可实现舾装设施的便捷循环使用和施工效率的提升。

关键词: 大型沉管隧道建造, 内河中游区, 襄阳鱼梁洲隧道, 强冲刷, 砂卵石


Large immersed tunnels constructed in the middle reach of an inland river encounter strong riverbed erosion, deep permeable strata, and stringent flood control requirements. In this study, a case study is conducted on the Yuliangzhou immersed tunnel in Xiangyang, China. Several methods, including engineering research, theoretical analysis, physical model testing, numerical simulation, and onsite testing, are employed to apply innovative construction technology in the construction of an immersed tunnel under an inland river. Some achievements related to this case study are as follows. (1) A quantitative evaluation method for the scouring safety of the immersed tunnel is proposed and five evaluation indices and a standard system for their evaluation are provided. (2) A frictionthrusttype final joint, which utilizes the frictional force around the immersed tunnel to resist the elastic force of the waterstop and does not require large masonry structures, is developed. (3) A domestically produced waterstop strip is developed on the outer side of the joint and massproduced to achieve the water tightness required to withstand 0.3 MPa of external water pressure and to offer a design service life of 100 years. Its stress relaxation attenuation rate over 100 years is only 255%, and its predicted service life is 144 years. The domestic production of the strip enables the localization of the entire production chain of immersed tunnel technology to China. (4) A continuous pouring prefabrication method is proposed without pouring postpouring strip for whole sections of integral tunnel joints. This method achieves a 52% improvement in the prefabrication efficiency of immersed tunnel structures, a 61% reduction in structural joints, and a 60% reduction in pouring cracks. (5) Initially, a pebble cushion foundation is laid, and a fully floating and highprecision leveling ship for the pebble foundation is developed. (6) An unwelded assembly end sealing door and a flexible water compression system with water bag ballast are developed and applied for convenience and recyclability of the outfitting facilities, as well as to improve construction efficiency.

WTTNR#B》〗KeywordsWTTNR》〗〖KG-*4: large immersed tunnel construction; middle reach of inland river; Xiangyang Yuliangzhou tunnel; strong erosion; sandy gravel