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隧道建设(中英文) ›› 2020, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (S1): 396-403.DOI: 10.3973/j.issn.2096-4498.2020.S1.052

• 施工技术 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. (中铁十四局常德沅江越江隧道项目部, 湖南常德 415000
  • 出版日期:2020-08-30 发布日期:2020-09-16
  • 作者简介:姚印彬(1989—),男,山东曲阜人,2017年毕业于石家庄铁道大学,土木工程专业,本科,助理工程师,现主要从事大直径泥水盾构施工及设备管理工作。E-mail: 821665551@qq.com。

Construction Technology of Large Diameter Slurry Shield in Strong Permeable Sand Pebble Stratum with Shallow Overburden Soil

YAO Yinbin   

  1. (Yuanjiang River Crossing Project Office of China Railway 14th Bureau Group Co., Ltd. Changde 415000 HunanChina)
  • Online:2020-08-30 Published:2020-09-16

摘要: 为解决浅覆土强透水砂卵石地层大直径泥水盾构的接收难题,以常德沅江大直径泥水盾构隧道为依托,提出干接收施工技术,采用端头加固区RJP超高压旋喷加固、端头垂直冻结、塑性混凝土连续墙施作的联合加固手段,提高端头加固区整体结构的稳定性,为盾构接收创造条件。在盾构干接收过程中,通过控制各项施工参数、精确掌握施工时机要点,保证盾构顺利穿越既有管线及加固区,管线和地表最大沉降分别控制在6 mm5 mm以内,确保盾构精确出洞。在洞门钢环内安装洞门刷防止盾构出洞时土体流失,同时增加盾构出洞过程中同步注浆量,并对管片进行槽钢连接固定,保证盾构出洞过程盾尾及支护安全。

关键词: 浅覆土, 强透水砂卵石地层, 大直径盾构, 干接收, 泥水盾构, 掘进参数控制, 端头加固

Abstract: In order to solve the problems of receiving largediameter slurry shield in strong permeable sand pebble stratum with shallow overburden, based on large diameter slurry shield tunnel of Yuanjiang  in Changde City, dry receiving construction technology is proposed. The stability of the whole structure in end reinforcement area is improved and the conditions for shield acceptance are satisfied by using the joint reinforcement methods of RJP superhigh pressure jet grouting, vertical freezing and plastic concrete diaphragm wall in the end reinforcement area. In the process of shield dry receiving, by controlling various construction parameters and grasping the key points of construction timing accurately, shield machine smoothly passes through the existing pipeline and reinforcement area, and the maximum settlement of the pipeline and the surface is controlled within 6 mm and 5 mm respectively so as to ensure the accurate exit of the shield machine. In addition, portal brushes are installed in the steel ring of the portal to prevent soil loss when shield machine exits the tunnel. Meanwhile, synchronous grouting volume is increased and segments are connected and fixed with channel steel to ensure shield tail and support safety during the process of shield machine leaving the tunnel.

Key words: shallow overburden soil, strong permeable sand pebble stratum, large diameter shield, dry receiving, slurry shield, control of tunneling parameters, end reinforcement
