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隧道建设(中英文) ›› 2020, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (1): 9-18.DOI: 10.3973/j.issn.2096-4498.2020.01.002

• 研究与探索 • 上一篇    下一篇


朱瑶宏1, 高一民2, 董子博3, 柳献2, *   

  1. (1. 宁波大学建筑工程与环境学院, 浙江宁波 315211; 2. 同济大学地下建筑与工程系, 上海 200092; 3. 宁波用躬科技有限公司, 浙江宁波 315000)
  • 收稿日期:2019-04-15 出版日期:2020-01-20 发布日期:2020-04-04
  • 作者简介:朱瑶宏(1960—),男,浙江宁波人,1986年毕业于西南交通大学,铁路与桥梁工程专业,硕士,教授,主要从事桥梁工程和城市轨道交通工程的研究工作。E—mail: zhuyaohong@nbu.edu.cn。 *通信作者: 柳献, E—mail: xian.liu@tongji.edu.cn。
  • 基金资助:


Fullscale Experimental Study on Structural Mechanism of TconnectedTunnel Constructed by Shield Method

ZHU Yaohong1, GAO Yimin2, DONG Zibo3, LIU Xian2, *   

  1. (1. Faculty of Architectural, Civil Engineering and Environment, Ningbo University, Ningbo 315211, Zhejiang, China; 2. Department of Geotechnical Engineering, College of Civil Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China; 3. Ningbo Yonggong Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., Ningbo 315000, Zhejiang, China)
  • Received:2019-04-15 Online:2020-01-20 Published:2020-04-04


:在盾构法施作联络通道的过程中,由于主隧道的结构体系发生变化,衬砌内力发生重分布,对主隧道结构稳定不利。为了解结构安全性以及结构响应,开展盾构法联络通道的结构受力足尺试验进行模拟。试验采用7环管片错缝拼装进行模拟,在模拟真实水土压力荷载后,通过运用盾构直接切削管片,模拟真实盾构法联络通道施工过程中的出洞过程,得到如下结论: 1)通过模拟的方法得出该工法施工过程中的关键工况节点; 2)通过模拟得出隧道在整个切削过程中各环的收敛变形整体性较好,工法是安全的; 3)试验过程中,除切削位置以外的其余位置发生内力重分布,内力重分布的过程与工况变化过程息息相关。

关键词: 盾构隧道, 联络通道机械化, 结构体系, 结构响应, 足尺试验, 直接切削, 内力重分布


During the construction of the connection gallery by shield method, the structural system varies and the lining stress redistributes, which is bad for the stability of main tunnel. In order to lean the safety and response of the structure, a fullscale experimental study on structural mechanism of the connection gallery by shield method is carried out. In the experiment, the 7 ring segments are assembled at different joints for simulation. After simulating the real soil and water pressure load, the exit process of the real connection gallery by shield method is simulated by directly cutting the segments with shield. The results show that: (1) Through the simulation, the key working condition nodes in the construction process are obtained. (2) Through the simulation, it is concluded that the convergence deformation of each ring in the whole cutting process is good and the construction method is safe. (3) During the experiment, the internal force redistribution occurs at all positions except the cutting position, and the process of internal force redistribution is closely related to the variation process of working condition.

Key words: shield tunnel, mechanization of connection gallery, structural system, structural response, fullscale experiment, direct cutting, internal force redistribution
