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隧道建设(中英文) ›› 2020, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (2): 238-245.DOI: 10.3973/j.issn.2096-4498.2020.02.012

• 规划与设计 • 上一篇    下一篇


周念清1, 杨浩博1, 杨磊2, 刘先林3   

  1. (1. 同济大学水利工程系, 上海 200092; 2. 南宁轨道交通集团有限责任公司, 广西南宁 530021; 3. 广西交通设计集团有限公司, 广西南宁 530029)
  • 收稿日期:2019-08-29 出版日期:2020-02-20 发布日期:2020-04-04
  • 作者简介:周念清(1964—),男,湖南常德人,2001年毕业于南京大学,水文学与水资源专业,博士,教授,主要从事水文地质和工程地质的教学研究工作。E-mail: nq.zhou@tongji.edu.cn。
  • 基金资助:

Application of EVS Coupled StratigraphicLithologic Threedimensional Geological Modeling Method in Nanning Metro Project

ZHOU Nianqing1, YANG Haobo1, YANG Lei2, LIU Xianlin3   

  1. (1. Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China; 2. Nanning Rail Transit Co., Ltd., Nanning 530021, Guangxi, China; 3. Guangxi Communications Design Group Co., Ltd., Nanning 530029, Guangxi, China)
  • Received:2019-08-29 Online:2020-02-20 Published:2020-04-04

摘要: : 为解决地质建模软件Earth Volumetric Studio(EVS)存在的地层建模方法无法对钻孔揭露地层比较复杂的情形进行层序划分,岩性建模方法无法生成连续光滑的层间界面等问题,以南宁市轨道交通3号线青秀山站至博艺路站区间段为研究对象,提出一种同时具有表达复杂透镜体和清晰的地质层面能力的EVS地层-岩性建模方法。通过工程实例将该方法分别与地层建模和岩性建模方法进行对比分析和交叉验证计算,结果表明采用地层-岩性建模方法建立的模型比单独使用地层模型和岩性模型更能反映实际的地质情况,且模型具有更高的精度,模型的相对误差和均方根误差较地层建模方法明显降低。

关键词: 三维地质建模, Earth Volumetric Studio(EVS), 地铁线路, 岩性模型, 城市轨道交通

Abstract: Defects such as the stratigraphic modeling method cannot divide the sequence when the layer exposed by the borehole is complex, and the continuous and smooth interlayer interface cannot be guaranteed exist in the modeling methods of Earth Volumetric Studio(EVS) and lithologic modeling method, respectively. Hence, an EVS stratigraphiclithologic modeling method with the ability to express complex lens and clear geological layers at the same time is proposed by taking Qingxiushan StationBoyi Road Station section of Nanning Rail Transit Line 3 for example. The method is compared with stratigraphic modeling and lithologic modeling and cross validated through engineering examples. The results indicate that the model established by stratigraphiclithologic modeling method can reflect the actual geological conditions better than that by stratigraphic model and lithology model respectively, and show higher accuracy. The relative error and root mean square error of the proposed model are significantly lower than those of the stratigraphic modeling.

Key words: 3D geological modeling, Earth Volumetric Studio(EVS), metro line, lithology model, urban rail transit
