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隧道建设(中英文) ›› 2021, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (S1): 75-.DOI: 10.3973/j.issn.2096-4498.2021.S1.010

• 研究与探索 • 上一篇    下一篇


刘浩1, 武强2, 李万宝1 *, 苏建坤1   

  1. 1. 云南航天工程物探检测股份有限公司, 云南 昆明 650217 2. 中国矿业大学(北京), 北京 100083
  • 出版日期:2021-07-30 发布日期:2021-08-27
  • 作者简介:刘浩(1971—),男,云南昆明人,1988年毕业于云南大学,生态及环境生物专业,本科,高级工程师,现从事交通工程勘察、建设、管养等技术工作。E-mail: lh599@vip.163.com。*通信作者: 李万宝, E-mail: 418551132@qq.com。
  • 基金资助:


Policy for Whole Life Cycle Safety Guarantee of Tunnel Engineering

LIU Hao1, WU Qiang2, LI Wanbao1, *, SU Jiankun1   

  1. 1. Yunnan Aerospace Engineering Geophysical Testing Co., Ltd., Kunming 650217, Yunnan, China; 2. China University of Mining & Technology (Beijing), Beijing 100083, China)

  • Online:2021-07-30 Published:2021-08-27

摘要: 我国隧道工程建设技术发展迅速,未来隧道建设将向“更深、更长、更多、更复杂”的趋势发展。目前隧道工程全寿命周期安全保障主要集中于隧道安全管理及评价方面,对于隧道全生命周期安全保障技术方法的系统研究还不完善。针对此,借鉴煤矿巷道多年的建设及处治经验,对隧道工程规划设计、建设、运营过程中采取的安全保障技术方法及手段进行归纳,总结出隧道全生命周期安全保障“24”字方针,即“多源评价、超前探测、妥当处置、精细检测、监测预警、应急救援”,建立隧道工程全生命周期安全保障体系,掌握隧道周边地质及建设情况,降低事故发生机率,提高灾后应急处治能力,保障隧道及地下工程全生命周期安全永续发展。

关键词: 隧道工程, 全生命周期, 24”字方针, 安全保障

Abstract: The development of tunnel engineering construction technology in China is fast, and the tunnels will be deeper, longer, more, and more complex. At present, the whole life cycle safety guarantee of tunnel engineering is mainly concentrated on safety management and evaluation. The systematic research on the technology and methods of tunnel life cycle safety guarantee is not complete. In view of this, the safety technology methods and means adopted in the tunnel engineering design, construction, and operation are summarized based on the years of construction and treatment experience of coal mine roadways, thus putting forward the policy for the whole life cycle safety guarantee of tunnel, i.e. multisource evaluation, advance detection, proper treatment, fine detection, monitoring and warning, and emergency rescue. A whole life cycle safety guarantee system for the tunnel project is established to master the geological and construction conditions around the tunnel, reduce the probability of accidents, improve the emergency treatment capacity after disasters, and ensure the safe and sustainable development of the whole life cycle of tunnels and underground projects.

Key words: tunnel engineering, whole life cycle, guarantee policy, security
