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隧道建设(中英文) ›› 2024, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (2): 377-392.DOI: 10.3973/j.issn.2096-4498.2024.02.017

• 数据统计 • 上一篇    下一篇

Statistics of China′s Railway Tunnels by the End of 2023 and Overview of Tunnels of Key New Projects in 2023(截至2023年底中国铁路隧道情况统计及2023年新开通重点项目隧道情况介绍)

巩江峰, 王伟, 王芳, 杨昌贤, 袁溢   

  1. 1. 中国铁路经济规划研究院有限公司, 北京 100038; 2. 中铁二院工程集团有限责任公司, 四川 成都 610031; 3. 中国铁路设计集团有限公司, 天津 300308; 4. 中国第一勘察设计院集团有限公司, 陕西 西安 710043
  • 出版日期:2024-02-20 发布日期:2024-03-11
  • 作者简介:巩江峰(1980—),男,山西运城人,2003 年毕业于兰州交通大学,土木工程专业,本科,正高级工程师,现从事隧道工程设计、咨询、科研相关工作。 Email: 15801688@qq.com。

Statistics of China′s Railway Tunnels by the End of 2023 and Overview of Tunnels of Key New Projects in 2023

GONG Jiangfeng1, WANG Wei1, WANG Fang2, YANG Changxian3, YUAN Yi4   

  1. (1. China Railway Economic and Planning Research Institute, Beijing 100038, China; 2. China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Co., Ltd., Chengdu 610031, Sichuan, China; 3. China Railway Design Corporation, Tianjin 300308, China; 4. China Railway First Survey and Design Institute Group Co., Ltd., Xian 710043, Shaanxi, China)
  • Online:2024-02-20 Published:2024-03-11

摘要: 对截至2023年底中国铁路隧道、高速铁路隧道、特长铁路隧道情况进行统计。 结果显示,截至2023年底,中国铁路营业里程达到15.9km,其中,投入运营的铁路隧道18 573座,总长23 508 km;中国已投入运营的高速铁路总长超过4.5km,共建成高速铁路隧道4 561座,总长7 735 km,其中,长度大于10 km的特长隧道115座,长约1 471 km;中国投入运营的特长铁路隧道共286座,长约3 869 km,其中,长度20 km以上特长铁路隧道13座,长约312 km。 最后,对2023年新开通的重点项目贵南铁路隧道、成兰铁路成都至川主寺段隧道的概况及特点进行介绍,并总结其技术经验;同时对广汕铁路隧道、金甬铁路隧道、南崇铁路留村大直径盾构隧道、和邢铁路隧道的技术应用进行总结。贵南铁路通过空间选线、创新岩溶处理手段,以及加强运营期间的排水措施,有效降低了岩溶发育地区高速铁路运营的安全风险;成兰铁路设计充分贯彻“减灾选线”的理念,大规模减小了运营期间的安全风险,另外创新了隧道通过活动断裂带的处理技术。随着铁路建设向西部地区转移,隧道建设将面临埋深更大、地应力更高、地质构造更加复杂、高海拔地区缺氧等系列建设问题,仍需要各位同仁共同攻坚克难,不断创新隧道修建技术。

关键词: 铁路隧道, 高速铁路隧道, 特长铁路隧道, 统计


The statistical data on tunnels respectively on conventional railways, highspeed railways, and extralong railways in China by the end of 2023 are presented. According to the data, Chinas operating railways have reached a total length of 159 000 km by the end of 2023. Among these operating railways, there were 18 573 tunnels with a total length of 23 508 km. The highspeed railways put into service in China have surpassed 45 000 km in total length, incorporating 4 561 tunnels built with a cumulative length of 7 735 km. Notably, 115 of them were classified as extralong, measuring over 10 km each, and their total length amounted to approximately 1 471 km. Furthermore, China has opened 286 extralong railway tunnels, spanning approximately 3 869 km in length. Out of these tunnels, 13 tunnels were longer than 20 km each, accounting for a total length of approximately 312 km. The authors also provide an overview of tunnels located on the new key projects opened in 2023, including GuiyangNanning railway and ChengduChuanzhusi section of ChengduLanzhou railway. The characteristics of these tunnels are highlighted, along with a summary of the technical experience gained from them. Moreover, the authors summarize the application of technologies in an array of tunnels, including those on GuangzhouShanwei highspeed railway and NingboJinhua railway, as well as the Liucun largediameter TBM tunnel on NanningChongzuo railway and tunnels on HeshunXingtai railway. Specifically, GuiyangNanning railway offers a paradigm that effectively mitigates safety risks associated with operating highspeed railways in karstdeveloped areas. This approach involves 3D spatial route selection, implementing innovative methods for karst treatment, and enhancing drainage measures during operation. The design of ChengduLanzhou railway fully reflects the concept of "priority to disaster reduction in route selection". This concept has resulted in a notable reduction of safety hazards during operation. In addition, innovative treatment techniques have been applied in tunnels that traverse active fault zones. As railway development in China continues to expand towards the western regions, tunnel construction faces a range of significant challenges. These include increasing burial depth, higher ground stress, complex geological tectonism, and oxygendeficient environments in highaltitude areas. It is imperative for industry peers to collaboratively address these challenges and make continuous innovations to advance tunnel construction technologies.

Key words: railway tunnel, highspeed railway tunnel, extralong railway tunnel, statistics