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隧道建设(中英文) ›› 2020, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (12): 1683-1690.DOI: 10.3973/j.issn.2096-4498.2020.12.001

• 专家论坛 • 上一篇    下一篇


吴克捷, 赵怡婷*, 石晓冬   

  1. (北京市城市规划设计研究院, 北京 100045)
  • 出版日期:2020-12-20 发布日期:2021-01-03
  • 作者简介:吴克捷(1977—),男,北京人,2013年毕业于清华大学,城市规划专业,硕士,教授级高级工程师,现从事北京城市规划、地下空间规划、人防工程规划等相关工作。E-mail: yn4853@vip.sina.com。*通信作者: 赵怡婷, E-mail: 1437235330@qq.com。

Research on Underground Space Planning Compiling under Territory Spatial Planning System

WU Kejie, ZHAO Yiting*, SHI Xiaodong   

  1. (Beijing Municipal Institute of City Planning & Design, Beijing 100045, China)
  • Online:2020-12-20 Published:2021-01-03

摘要: 理解地下空间的内涵,指出地下空间是城市重要的战略资源。提出转变地下空间发展理念,突出规划的引领作用。以北京市为例,结合北京地下空间规划建设经验,探索构建“全市—分区—特定地区”的地下空间规划编制体系,落实“生态优先、底线约束、专项统筹、刚性管控”的国土空间规划要求,提出各级地下空间规划编制的重点内容和技术方法。指出加强地下空间体制机制建设应从建立地下空间综合管理机制、推进地下空间技术标准整合、健全完善地下空间立法体系、建立国土空间三维信息平台4方面着手,健全地下空间规划实施保障。认为: 地下空间规划作为国土空间规划中的专项规划,应建立与国土空间规划体系相衔接的地下空间规划编制体系;在规划层级上,逐步建立和完善“全市—分区—特定地区”的全域、全要素地下空间规划体系,推动各级地下空间规划编制;在规划内容上,地下空间作为重要的国土空间资源,应立足地下空间资源禀赋和环境承载能力,明确地下空间生态安全底线,科学判断地下空间生态适宜性分区和开发利用重点分区,有效协调各类地下功能设施布局关系;在规划实施方面,应健全地下空间的刚性管控传导机制,加强地下空间的体制机制建设,完善地下空间部门管理、技术标准、权属管理、信息管理等方面的相关法律规范,以科学指导地下空间资源的合理有序利用。

关键词: 国土空间规划, 地下空间规划, 规划编制, 规划实施保障

Abstract: In this paper, the intension of underground space is introduced, and the view that underground space is the key strategic resource of urban areas is pointed out. It is suggested that the underground space development idea should be changed, and the leading role of planning is emphasized. The underground space developing experience in Beijing is introduced, an underground space planning compiling system of citysubregionspecial region is discussed and established, the territory spatial planning requirements of "ecology first, base line, special plan and rigid control" should be put into practice, and the key contents and technical methods of underground space planning compiling in various levels are proposed. It is pointed out that the underground space system should be strengthened from the aspects of establishing comprehensive control system, promoting the technical standard integration, improving legislation system and establishing 3D information platform, so as to improve the planning implementation guarantee of underground space. It is concluded that: (1) As the special planning in territory spatial planning system, underground space planning should be accompanied by underground space planning compiling system. (2) As for planning level, the regionwide and overall underground space planning of citysubregionspecial region should be established and improved step by step, and the alllevel underground space planning compiling should be promoted. (3) As for planning contents, we should ground underground space resource characteristics and environment bearing capacity, understand the ecological base line of underground space, rationally divide the ecological sections and key subregion with special development, and coordinate underground facilities layout relationships with various functions. (4) As for planning implementation, the rigid control transmission mechanism of underground space should be improved, underground space system construction should be strengthened, and the rules related to department control, technical standards, ownership control and information management should be improved, so as to guide the rational and scientific use of underground space resources.

Key words: territory spatial planning, underground space planning, planning compiling, planning implementation guarantee
