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  • 《日本科学技术振兴机构数据库(中国)》

隧道建设(中英文) ›› 2020, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (12): 1824-1833.DOI: 10.3973/j.issn.2096-4498.2020.12.018

• 监控与维护 • 上一篇    下一篇


王剑宏, 解全一, 刘健*, 小泉淳   

  1. (山东大学齐鲁交通学院, 山东 济南 250002)

  • 出版日期:2020-12-20 发布日期:2021-01-03
  • 作者简介:王剑宏(1975—), 男, 山东菏泽人, 2009年毕业于早稻田大学, 地下工程结构专业, 博士, 教授, 现从事城市基础设施的建设与运维相关研究工作。E-mail: j.h.wang@sdu.edu.cn。*通信作者: 刘健, E-mail: lj75@sdu.edu.cn。

Research on Diseases and Current Situation of Operation Maintenance Management of Japanese Railway Tunnels and Suggestions

WANG Jianhong, XIE Quanyi, LIU Jian*, KOIZUMI Atsushi   

  1. (School of Qilu Transportation, Shandong University, Jinan 250002, Shandong, China)
  • Online:2020-12-20 Published:2021-01-03

摘要: 日本铁路隧道(包括城市轨道交通)经过100余年的发展,产生了隧道老龄化严重、剥落掉块、开裂、劣化以及渗漏水等病害。通过调研日本铁路隧道建设情况、性能要求、病害类型与原因,得出日本铁路隧道约40%的病害与设计施工有关,27%的病害与运行环境有关,23%的病害与所用材料有关,10%的病害与外力变化有关。介绍日本铁路隧道维护管理体系(隧道检查、健康诊断、措施对策、记录存档)、自动检测技术和智能化技术等新技术的发展应用及存在的问题(相同条件下同类隧道的运维无法统一;自动化检测技术因成本过高或未达到标准要求,只能作为辅助检查手段服务于部分隧道;很多信息因保密无法实现资源共享;运维技术人员、隧道专业人才不足及人才老龄化严重等)。指出这些问题不仅阻碍了运维技术的高质量发展,也影响了整个运维成本和质量。针对我国隧道运维技术的发展,提出以降低隧道设施的全生命周期成本与延长服役寿命为目标,构建基于结构性能与成本的“预测型”运维体系,建议发展一体化运维技术、研发快速维修加固技术、开发智慧运维管理系统等,通过多学科融合交叉,构建系统性的运维管理体系。

关键词: 铁路隧道, 城市轨道交通, 隧道病害, 维护管理, 运维体系, 运维技术, 维修加固技术, 智慧运维管理系统

Abstract: Japanese railway tunnels, including urban rail transit tunnels, have been developing for more than 100 years, and have suffered spalling, cracking, deterioration, water leakage, etc. In this paper, the railway tunnel construction conditions, performance requirements, disease types and causes in Japan are investigated, and it is concluded that about 40% of the tunnel diseases in Japan are related to the design and construction, 27% to the operating environment, 23% to the materials used, and 10% to the external force variation. And then, the developing and application status of maintenance management system(including inspection, disease diagnosis, countermeasures and record), automatic inspection technology and intelligent technology are presented, and the existing problems, i.e. nonuniform operation maintenance standards for similar tunnel under same conditions, automatic inspection technology only as auxiliary inspection means for some tunnels due to high cost and substandard level, impracticable resource sharing due to confidential information, lack of special technical personnel, and aging of the talents, are pointed out. These problems obstruct the developing of operation maintenance technology and affect the cost and quality. Based on developing of tunnel operation maintance technologies, the authors propose that aiming at reducing the life cycle cost of tunnel facilities and extending the service life, the predictive maintenance system based on the structural performance and cost should be established, the integrated operation maintenance technology, rapid repair and reinforcement technology and intelligent operation maintenance management system should be developed, and thus through multidisciplinary integration, a systematic operation maintenance management system of railway tunnel is established.

Key words: railway tunnel, urban rail transit, tunnel disease; maintenance management, operation maintenance system, operation maintenance technology, maintenance reinforcement technology, intelligent operation maintenance management system
