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隧道建设(中英文) ›› 2021, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (8): 1385-.DOI: 10.3973/j.issn.2096-4498.2021.08.015

• 施工技术 • 上一篇    下一篇


郭志1, 曲秋芬2, 樊治国1, 刘桂涛1, 路效峰1, 宫迎雷1   

  1. 1. 中船重工(青岛)轨道交通装备有限公司, 山东 青岛 2661112. 隆美新型复合材料(青岛)制造有限公司, 山东 青岛 266108
  • 出版日期:2021-08-20 发布日期:2021-09-06
  • 作者简介:郭志(1981—),男,河北宣化人,2008年毕业于燕山大学,机械设计及理论专业,硕士,高级工程师,现主要从事TBM相关技术与管理工作。E-mail: zhiguo81@126.com。

Construction Technology Innovation of Double-Shield Tunnel Boring -Machine in Qingdao Metro Line 1

GUO Zhi1, QU Qiufen2, FAN Zhiguo1, LIU Guitao1, LU Xiaofeng1, GONG Yinglei1   

  1. (1. CSSC (Qingdao) Rail Transit Equipment Co., Ltd., Qingdao 266111, Shandong, China; 2. Romay (Qingdao) Co., Ltd., Qingdao 266108, Shandong, China)
  • Online:2021-08-20 Published:2021-09-06

摘要: 为解决双护盾TBM在城市轨道交通隧道施工过程中遇到的始发场地受限不具备施作始发洞条件,双线小净距隧道掘进和频繁过站工效低、经济性差等工程难题,以青岛地铁1号线为背景,总结双护盾TBM应用于青岛地铁2号线的经验,结合青岛地铁1号线的具体工况和TBM设备特点,发展并实施基于掘进模式、掘进参数和姿态控制的双护盾TBM负环始发技术,基于先行隧道加装移动式支撑台车和袖阀管注浆加固的双线隧道小净距掘进技术和基于换装预制钢支腿的后配套台车“踩高跷”过站技术。这些施工技术的创新应用成功应对了青岛地铁1号线施工过程中遇到的特殊工况。

关键词: 双护盾TBM, 负环始发, 小净距隧道, 预制钢支腿, 过站

Abstract: When a doubleshield tunnel boring machine (TBM) is applied in urban rail transit, there are always several limitations, such as no condition for launching shaft construction, low construction efficiency due to doubletrack smallspacing excavation and frequent station passing, and low economic benefit. Accordingly, a case study is conducted on Qingdao metro line 1. Further, the applicable experience of doubleshield TBM used in Qingdao metro line 2 is studied, and detailed conditions of line 1 and the TBM characteristics are analyzed; thus, a suite of negative ring launching techniques of doubleshield TBM based on tunneling mode, parameters, and attitude control is developed. The techniques include doubletrack smallspacing tunnel excavation realized by a movable support trolley installed in the advance tunnel and Soletanche grouting reinforcement and backup trolley stationpassing technology realized by precast steel support replacement. The application of the techniques shows a good effect in Qingdao metro line 1.

Key words: doubleshield tunnel boring machine, negative ring launching, smallspacing tunnel, precast steel support, station crossing
