ISSN 2096-4498

   CN 44-1745/U


Tunnel Construction ›› 2023, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (S1): 330-336.DOI: 10.3973/j.issn.2096-4498.2023.S1.038

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Application of Prefabricated and Assembled Open-Cut Tunnel Structure in Collapse and Rockfall Control of Chengdu-Kunming Railway K279 Section

SHANG Hanchun, LIU Ke*, LI Yajun, LIU Xiongwei   

  1. CREEC (Chengdu) Survey, Design and Research Co., Ltd., Chengdu 610031, Sichuan, China)
  • Online:2023-07-31 Published:2023-08-28

Abstract: In view of the collapse and rockfall disaster occurred in the K279 section of the EmeiPanzhihua section of the ChengduKunming railway, the Rockfall software is employed to analyze the rockfall trajectory and impact kinetic energy and assess the damage degree of rockfall to the railway. Furthermore, based on the calculation results of impact kinetic energy, the setting range of the slope curtain protection net and the setting of the passive net and other protective measures are determined, and the extension range of the opencut tunnel is determined based on the impact range of falling rocks. For the extension of the opencut tunnel, an innovative proposal that use the castinplace inner and outer walls of the opencut tunnel and the prefabricated assembly of the opencut tunnel arch ring when adding an opencut tunnel during railway operation is proposed based on the onsite terrain. Finally, the design and construction of the castinplace inner and outer walls of the opencut tunnel and the prefabricated assembly plan of the opencut tunnel arch ring are introduced. According to the final rectification effect, the use of prefabricated and assembled opencut tunnel structures can safely and quickly add opencut tunnel structures to existing lines.

Key words: Chengdu-Kunming railway, collapse and rockfall, prefabricated and assembled open-cut tunnel