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隧道建设(中英文) ›› 2018, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (S2): 136-143.DOI: 10.3973/j.issn.2096-4498.2018.S2.019

• 研究与探索 • 上一篇    下一篇


苏明浩, 程鹏, 高毅, 于少辉, 李洋   

  1. (中铁工程装备集团有限公司地下空间设计研究院, 河南郑州 450016)
  • 收稿日期:2018-06-20 修回日期:2018-09-10 出版日期:2018-12-30 发布日期:2019-01-30
  • 作者简介:苏明浩(1989—),男,河南郑州人,2016年毕业于兰州理工大学,土木工程专业,硕士,工程师,现主要从事隧道及地下工程科研和设计工作。Email: suminghao1@163.com。

Force Analysis of Underground Structure Constructed by CC Method

SU Minghao, CHENG Peng, GAO Yi, YU Shaohui, LI Yang   

  1. (Underground Space Research and Design Institute, China Railway Engineering Equipment Group Co., Ltd., Zhengzhou 450016, Henan, China)
  • Received:2018-06-20 Revised:2018-09-10 Online:2018-12-30 Published:2019-01-30


CC工法作为一种新型地下暗挖技术,为地下工程暗挖施工提供了新的思路,其核心思想是将机械化暗挖小断面结构转换为大断面地下空间建筑结构。为了研究CC工法的结构受力情况,满足CC工法的工法特点需要,使结构安全可靠经济适用,故设计和分析其单元结构和整体结构,并结合CC工法的具体工程应用案例,选取CC工法的3个主要工况进行结构受力分析和设计,得到不同工况的弯剪轴力结果。结果表明: 设计方法和思路较为全面,设计结果安全可靠,能够较好地满足工程需要;同时,研究也为CC工法结构分析和设计提供了方法和依据,为今后相关工程提供了一定的参考。

关键词: CC工法, 机械暗挖, 装配式结构, 结构设计, 不同工况, 受力分析


The structure cut and convert (CC) method is a new type of undercutting method. The core idea of CC method is converting the mechanized excavated small crosssection structure into large crosssection underground space structure. In order to study the stress situation of structure constructed by CC method and realize safe and economic structure, the element structure and integral structure are designed and analyzed; the structural stress under 3 conditions is analyzed by taking a case study for example, and the bending moment, shearing force and axial force are obtained. The results show that: (1) The design results are safe and reliable, which can meet the engineering requirements. (2) The results can provide a new method and reference for analysis and design of underground structure constructed by CC method and similar projects in the future.

Key words: CC method, mechanical undercutting, fabricated structure, structural design, different conditions, force analysis
