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隧道建设(中英文) ›› 2020, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (9): 1307-1313.DOI: 10.3973/j.issn.2096-4498.2020.09.009

• 研究与探索 • 上一篇    下一篇

-18 ℃盐水冻结隧道近接下穿上覆结构冻胀规律试验研究

王磊1, 2, 3, 李方政1 2, 方亮文1, 2, 丁航1, 2, 付财1, 2   

  1. 1. 煤炭科学研究总院建井研究分院, 北京 100013 2. 北京中煤矿山工程有限公司, 北京 100013 3. 科廷大学土木与机械工程学院, 珀斯 6102

  • 出版日期:2020-09-20 发布日期:2020-10-10
  • 作者简介:王磊(1989—),男,山东德州人,2014年毕业于煤炭科学研究总院,岩土工程专业,硕士,助理研究员,主要从事人工冻结法的设计研究与施工工作。E-mail: tumuwanglei@yeah.net。
  • 基金资助:
    中国煤炭科工集团有限公司科技创新创业资金专项(2018QN023); “十三五”国家重点研发计划资助项目(2016YFC0600904, 2016YFC0600801); 国家自然科学基金面上项目(51774183); 国家留学基金资助项目(201808110255)

Experimental Study on Influence of Frost Heaving of Undercrossed Tunnel by Freezing Method with -18 Refrigerant on Upper Structure

WANG Lei1, 2, 3, LI Fangzheng1, 2, FANG Liangwen1, 2, DING Hang1, 2, FU Cai1, 2   

  1. (1. School of Mining Construction, China Coal Research Institute, Beijing 100013, China; 2. China Coal Mine Engineering Co., Ltd., Beijing 100013, China; 3. School of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Curtin University, Perth 6012, Australia)
  • Online:2020-09-20 Published:2020-10-10

摘要: 在冻结下穿工程中盐水温度是影响上部结构所受冻胀压力大小的关键因素, 为了定量研究提高盐水温度对降低土体冻胀率的影响程度,基于上海地铁18号线隧道〖JP2〗冻结法下穿10号线国权路车站工程,采用试样试验和相似模拟试验方法,对-18 ℃和-28 ℃  2种冻结温度下土体产生的温度场和应力场进行研究。试样试验设计为单向封闭冻结试验,得出-18 ℃盐水较-28 ℃盐水冻结产生的冻胀压力峰值低52.9%,冻胀压力上升速度低20.1%。相似模拟试验基于相似准则对车站尺寸、冻结管路直径、盐水流量等参数进行换算,得出使用-18 ℃盐水相较-28 ℃盐水冻胀压力峰值低20%,冻胀压力上升速度低58%。整体试验结果表明: -18 ℃〖JP〗盐水冻结可以有效减小冻胀压力峰值和增长速度,且有侧向约束条件下产生的冻胀压力大于相似模拟试验中产生的冻胀压力。试验结果可以为冻胀敏感工程、有重大风险源工程提供技术参考和数据支撑。

关键词: 人工冻结法, 盐水温度, 地铁隧道, 冻胀压力, 相似模拟试验

Abstract: The temperature of freezing refrigerant is a key factor affecting the frost heaving force of upper structure undercrossed by tunnel. Hence, in order to quantitatively study the effect of increasing refrigerant temperature on reducing the frost heave of soil, the tunnel of Shanghai Metro Line No. 18 crossing underneath the station of Line No. 10 is taken as an example, and the temperature field and stress field of soil under the freezing temperatures of -18 and -28 are studied by laboratory experiments and similar simulation experiments. The sample test is a closed oneway freezing test, and the results show that the peak of frost heave pressure generated by the freezing of -18 refrigerant is 52.9% smaller than that of -28 refrigerant, and the rising rate of frost heave pressure is 20.1% lower. The similar simulation experiments are based on a similar law to calculate parameters such as station size, frozen pipeline diameter and the refrigerant flow, and it is concluded that the frost heave peak of -18 refrigerant is 20% lower than that of -28 refrigerant, and the raising rate of the frost heave pressure is 58% lower. The results of two groups of experiment show that the model of -18 refrigerant freezing can reduce the increasing rate and peak value of frost heave pressure effectively, and the frost heave pressure generated under lateral restraint conditions is larger than that generated in the similar simulation model test. The experimental results can provide a technical reference and data supporting for frost heaving sensitive and major risk projects.

Key words: artificial ground freezing method, refrigerant temperature, metro tunnel, frost heaving pressure, similar simulation experiment
