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隧道建设(中英文) ›› 2024, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (4): 826-881.DOI: 10.3973/j.issn.2096-4498.2024.04.020

• 数据统计 • 上一篇    下一篇

Statistics and Analysis of Underwater Tunnels in China(by the End of 2023)(中国水下隧道数据统计与分析(截至2023年底))

陈建芹, 冯晓燕, 魏〓怀   

  1. (中铁隧道勘察设计研究院有限公司, 广东 广州〓511457
  • 出版日期:2024-04-20 发布日期:2024-05-24
  • 作者简介:陈建芹(1981—),女,山东无棣人,2005年毕业于石家庄铁道学院,土木工程专业,本科,高级工程师,现从事《隧道建设(中英文)》期刊编校和审稿工作。 Email: 75204697@qq.com。

Statistics and Analysis of Underwater Tunnels in Chinaby the End of 2023#br#

CHEN Jianqin*, FENG Xiaoyan, WEI Huai   

  1. China Railway Tunnel Consultants Co., Ltd., Guangzhou 511457, Guangdong, China
  • Online:2024-04-20 Published:2024-05-24

摘要: 对截至2023年底中国水下隧道的数据进行统计,截至2023年底中国共修建(含开工未建成)水下隧道(水下段长度L≥100 m)333条。从开工年份、所在省级行政区、穿越水域、施工方法、用途、断面尺寸、水下段长度、设计单位、施工单位、水头高度、最大水深、最小埋深、结构形式、车道数/轨道数等方面对截至2023年底我国建成或开工的水下隧道的情况进行分析。结果如下: 12000年前水下隧道发展较慢,共开建12条水下隧道; 20002023年这24年,水下隧道发展迅猛,开工的水下隧道数量达321条,是2000年前修建的水下隧道总量的近27倍,其中2019年最多(34条),2022年其次(32条); 广东省修建的水下隧道数量最多(74条);穿越长江、黄浦江、珠江的水下隧道数量最多,分别达312825条。2)采用的施工方法主要为盾构法、明挖法、沉管法,采用这3种方法修建的水下隧道占水下隧道总数的93.1%,其中采用盾构法最多,占76.6%3)水下隧道主要用作地铁和市政道路/公路,这2种分别占水下隧道总数的40%38%,合计占78%4)采用盾构法修建的水下隧道,盾构直径d<7 m的隧道数量最多,占水下盾构隧道总数的44%7 m≤d<10 m的隧道占11%10 m≤d<14 m的隧道占24%,d≥14 m的隧道占21%;采用非盾构法修建的水下隧道,断面面积最大的是深中通道沉管隧道,达587.88 m2,断面面积在200 m2≤A<300 m2的水下隧道占比最多,达〖JP235%5)水下段长度在100≤L<500和 1 000≤L<3 000的水下隧道占比较大,均为35%6)水头高度在10 m≤h130 m,最大水深〖JP2〗在10 m≤h220 m、最小埋深在 10 m≤h320 m的水下隧道占比较大。 7)地铁隧道有67%采用单线,市政道路/公路隧道有60%采用双向〖JP36车道,铁路隧道有82%采用双线。水下隧道因其独特优势已成为当今跨越江河湖海的重要选择,并逐步从浅水窄域向深水宽域进军。

关键词: 水下隧道, 数据统计

Abstract: According to the statistics of underwater tunnels in China as of the end of 2023, a total of 333 underwater tunnels (with underwater section length 〖WT〗L〖WT5《TNR》〗≥100 m each) have been built (including those initiated but not yet completed) in China by the end of 2023. A comprehensive analysis is conducted on these underwater tunnels from multiple aspects, HJ3.2mmincluding the years of commencement, provincial administrative regions, water bodies crossed, construction methods, purposes, crosssectional sizes, lengths of underwater sections, design institutes, construction contractors, waterhead heights, maximum water depths, minimum cover depths, structural types, and numbers of tracks/lanes. The analysis reveals the following results: (1) There was 12 under water tunnels before 2000, showing a slow development speed. The past decade (20002023) witnessed the highest number of underwater tunnels being initiated, and there were 321 underwater tunnels (34 and 32 in 2019 and 2022, respectively). Guangdong province stands out for having constructed the highest number of underwater tunnels during this period, reaching 74, among which there are 31, 28, and 25 underwater tunnels crossing the Yangtze river, the Huangpu river, and the Pearl river, respectively. (2) The primary construction methods employed include the shield method, cut and cover method, and immersed tube method, accounting for 93.1% in all methods, and shield method is the most favorable one, reaching 76.6%. (3) The purposes of the underwater tunnels are metros and municipal roads/highways, the number of these tunnels account for 40% and 38%, respectively. (4) Among the underwater tunnels constructed by shield method, most of the shield diameter(WT〗d〖WT5《TNR》〗) is 7 m, accounting for 44% in all diameters, 7 m≤〖WT〗d〖WT5《TNR》〗<10 m accounts for 11%, 10 m≤〖WT〗d〖WT5《TNR》〗<14 m accounts for 24%, and WT〗d〖WT5《TNR》〗≥14 m accounts for 21%. The crosssectional area(WT〗A〖WT5《TNR》〗) of the ShenzhenZhongshan Link immersed tunnel construed by immersed tube method is the largest, reaching 587. 88 m2. The   underwater tunnels constructed by nonshield method with a crosssectional area of 200 m2≤〖WT〗A〖WT5《TNR》〗<300 m2 are the most, accounting for 35%. (5) The underwater tunnels with an underwater section length(WT〗L〖WT5《TNR》〗) of 100 m≤〖WT〗L〖WT5《TNR》〗< 500 m and 1 000 m≤〖WT〗L〖WT5《TNR》〗< 3 000 m account for 35% respectively. (6) The underwater tunnels with a water head height(WT〗h1WT5《TNR》〗) of 10 m≤〖WT〗h1WT5《TNR》〗<30 m, a maximum water depth(WT〗h2WT5《TNR》〗) of 10 m ≤〖WT〗h2WT5《TNR》〗<20 m, and a minimum cover depth(WT〗h3WT5《TNR》〗) of 10 m≤〖WT〗h3WT5《TNR》〗< 20 m accounts for a large proportion. (7) 67% of the metro tunnels adopt single line, 60% of the municipal road/highway tunnels adopt twoway 6lane, and 82% railway tunnels adopt double line. The underwater tunnels were predominantly designed for metro and highway purposes. The underwater tunnels develop from shallow and narrow water bodies to deep and wide bodies, they gradually become a primary option for sea and river crossings.

Key words: underwater tunnel, data statistics