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隧道建设(中英文) ›› 2009, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (增刊1): 15-18.DOI: A

• 研究与探索 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 中铁十三局集团第二工程有限公司|广东深圳518083
  • 收稿日期:2009-03-18 修回日期:2009-03-30 出版日期:2009-04-15 发布日期:2010-04-06
  • 作者简介:宗言海(1971—)|男|1994年毕业于长春地质学院勘察工程专业|高级工程师|现从事盾构施工管理工作。

Characteristics and Model Selection Calculation of Pipe Segments Often Used in Metro Tunnel

ZONG Yan-Hai   

  1. The 2nd Engineering Co., Ltd. of China Railway 13th Bureau Group, Shenzhen 518083, Guangdong, |China
  • Received:2009-03-18 Revised:2009-03-30 Online:2009-04-15 Published:2010-04-06



关键词: 地铁隧道;盾构, 管片, 转弯环, 楔形量, 选型


Shield machine is main equipment -5 in metro tunnel construction and the pipe segments on it, as a permanent lining of the metro tunnels, has a wide application, and therefore, model selection of the pipe segments has a direct effect on the accuracy and quality of metro tunnels. Based on the characteristics of the pipe segments, this thesis will focus on wedge calculation of isosceles trapezoid bend segment ring, pipe segments arrangement calculation and model selection basis of shield machine pipe segments, and work out the maximum bend radius of the pipe segments often used, which will direct model selection of pipe segments and organization of pipe segments production.

Key words: metro tunnel, shield, pipe segment, bend ring, wedge, model selection
