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隧道建设(中英文) ›› 2022, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (12): 2064-2072.DOI: 10.3973/j.issn.2096-4498.2022.12.009

• 研究与探索 • 上一篇    下一篇


陈坤阳1, 2, 3, 段华波1, 2, 3, 张怡1, 2, 3, 周雯雯1, 2, 3, 陈湘生1, 2, 3, *   

  1. 1. 深圳大学土木与交通工程学院未来地下城市研究院, 广东 深圳 518061;2. 滨海城市韧性基础设施教育部重点实验室(深圳大学), 广东 深圳 518060;3. 深圳市地铁地下车站绿色高效智能建造重点实验室, 广东 深圳 518060)

  • 出版日期:2022-12-20 发布日期:2023-01-09
  • 作者简介:陈坤阳(1995—),男,山西大同人,深圳大学土木工程专业在读博士,研究方向为基础设施可持续建造与管理。E-mail: chenkyszu@163.com。*通信作者: 陈湘生, E-mail: xschen@szu.edu.cn。

Research on Carbon Emission Intensity and Reduction Potential in Guangzhou Metro Shield Tunnel Construction Phase

CHEN Kunyang1, 2, 3, DUAN Huabo1, 2, 3, ZHANG Yi1, 2, 3, ZHOU Wenwen1, 2, 3, CHEN Xiangsheng1, 2, 3, *   

  1. (1.College of Civil and Transportation Engineering,Underground Polis Academy,Shenzhen University,Shenzhen 518061, Guangdong,China;2.Key Laboratory for Resilient Infrastructures of Coastal Cities,Ministry of Education,Shenzhen University, Shenzhen 518060,Guangdong,China;3.Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Green,Efficient and Intelligent Construction of Underground Metro Station,Shenzhen 518060,Guangdong,China)

  • Online:2022-12-20 Published:2023-01-09

摘要: 为合理量化地铁盾构隧道建设的碳排放水平并测度其减排潜力,采用LCA方法开展地铁盾构隧道建设阶段碳排放评价工作,并结合实际工程数据进行碳排放强度和水平量化分析; 同时,基于情景分析法从推广绿色建材及清洁能源等角度探究其减碳潜力。研究结果表明: 单环预制管片碳排放强度约为7.1 tCO2e/环,而单位地铁盾构隧道建设碳排放强度约为1.1tCO2e/km; 其中,建材及预制管片生产、运输及盾构施工和安装等过程占比分别为72.7%1.9%25.4%。若通过提高再生建材和优化能源结构,年均碳排放量下降约6%,但碳排放量累积可达约13 MtCO2e20222035年),与2020年全国城市轨道交通运营排放基本持平。

关键词:  , 地铁; 盾构隧道; 碳排放强度; 碳减排潜力; 情景分析法


To reasonably quantify the carbonemissions level of constructing a metro shield tunnel and measure its emission reduction potential, the lifecycle assessment method is adopted to evaluate the carbon emissions during the construction of a metro shield tunnel and quantitatively analyze the intensity and level of carbon emissions based on actual engineering data. Thereafter, based on the scenario analysis method, the carbon reduction potential is explored from the perspective of promoting green building materials and clean new energy. The research results reveal that the carbon emission intensity of a singlering prefabricated segment is ~7.1 tCO2e/ring, whereas that of constructing a unit of metro shield tunnel is ~1.1×104 tCO2e/km. The carbon emission intensities of the material and prefabricated segmentprocessing phase, transportation phase, and shield tunneling and segment installation phase respectively account for 72.7%, 1.9%, and 25.4% of the total emissions of the entire construction. Although further utilization of recycled building materials and improvement of the clean energy structure can reduce the average annual carbon emissions by~6%, the cumulative carbon emissions from 2022 to 2035 will add up to ~1.3×107 t CO2e, which is equivalent to the national metro operation emissions in 2020.

Key words: metro, shield tunnel, carbon emission intensity; carbon reduction potential, scenario analysis