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隧道建设(中英文) ›› 2021, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (8): 1259-.DOI: 10.3973/j.issn.2096-4498.2021.08.001

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Development and Thinking of Tunnels and Underground  Engineering in China in Recent 2 Years (From 2019 to 2020)(2年我国隧道及地下工程发展与思考(20192020年))

洪开荣1 2, 冯欢欢1, *   

  1. 1. 中铁隧道局集团有限公司, 广东 广州 511458; 2. 盾构及掘进技术国家重点实验室, 河南 郑州 450001)

  • 出版日期:2021-08-20 发布日期:2021-09-05
  • 作者简介:洪开荣(1965—),男,湖南株洲人,1990年毕业于兰州铁道学院,桥梁与地下工程专业,博士,教授级高级工程师,现从事隧道与地下工程设计、施工、科研及管理工作。E-mail: ctg_kr@vip.163.com。*通信作者: 冯欢欢, E-mail: skl_fhh@163.com。

Development and Thinking of Tunnels and Underground  Engineering in China in Recent 2 Years (From 2019 to 2020)

HONG Kairong1, 2, FENG Huanhuan1, *   

  1. (1. China Railway Tunnel Group Co., Ltd., Guangzhou 511458, Guangdong, China; 2. State Key Laboratory of Shield Machine and Boring Technology, Zhengzhou 450001, Henan, China)
  • Online:2021-08-20 Published:2021-09-05

摘要: 我国隧道及地下工程在“十三五”期间得到了长足发展,尤其是在新型冠状病毒疫情突然来袭的艰难形势下,20192020年无论是质还是量方面,铁路、公路、地铁等领域的隧道工程建设都取得了骄人的成就。对比分析近2年我国铁路、公路、地铁等领域隧道整体建设情况,从工程特点、工程难题及对应技术创新等方面,对佛莞城际狮子洋隧道、郑万铁路小三峡隧道、汕头海湾隧道等已建隧道工程,及大瑞铁路高黎贡山隧道、天山胜利隧道、川藏铁路色季拉山隧道等新开工隧道工程进行分析阐述。系统梳理近2年我国隧道及地下工程领域所取得的技术进步及未来发展中仍需要进一步突破的建设技术需求: 1)基于渭武高速木寨岭隧道、引汉济渭秦岭隧洞、汕头海湾隧道等工程的建设,高地应力软岩变形控制技术、硬岩岩爆监测及处置技术、高地震烈度区海底隧道修建技术等,取得了较大突破与成功应用;国产大直径TBM和异型大断面隧道掘进机制造及应用技术迈上了新台阶,国产盾构主轴承及整机再制造装备得到了成功验证与应用;高压水耦合辅助破岩技术、基于大数据挖掘技术的盾构/TBM巡航掘进技术等在隧道行业中进行了尝试应用。2)面对穿江越海、川藏铁路等极端环境或复杂地质条件下的隧道建设需求,新型破岩方法、多功能混合型TBM装备、低真空管道磁浮隧道建设技术等亟需取得突破。3)针对传统隧道工程理念方法难以解决川藏铁路隧道等极端复杂地质隧道工程的关键性难题,提出隧道场的概念,指出应逐步建立并完善隧道场解重构理论与方法,革新极端复杂地质隧道设计理念;结合隧道及地下工程的复杂性、多变性、不可预测性等特点,有目的、有计划地促进“智能建造”、“5G”等先进技术与隧道及地下工程的有机融合。


隧道及地下工程, 盾构, TBM, 钻爆法, 勘察设计技术, 隧道施工技术, 大数据技术, 智能建造, 隧道运维, 隧道场, 解重构理论

Abstract: China has made significant progress in tunnels and underground engineering during the "13th FiveYear Plan" period. Especially, despite of the sudden outbreak of COVID19 pandemic, remarkable achievements, both in quality and quantity, were made in railway, highway and subway tunnel projects from 2019 to 2020. In this paper, tunnel construction in railways, highways, subways and other fields in China in the recent two years is compared. Analysis and discussions are made on the tunnel projects under construction, such as Shiziyang tunnel of FoshanDongguan intercity railway, Xiaosanxia tunnel of ZhengzhouWanzhou railway and Shantou Bay tunnel, and the newly started tunnel works such as Gaoligongshan tunnel of DaliRuili railway, Tianshan Shengli tunnel and Shergyla Mountain tunnel of SichuanTibet railway from the aspects of engineering characteristics,  challenges and corresponding technological innovations. The technical progress made in the field of tunnels and underground engineering in China in the recent two years and the construction technical challenges that need to be further tackled in the future are systematically summarized as follows: (1) According to the construction of Muzhailing tunnel of WeiyuanWudu expressway, Qinling tunnel of HanjiangtoWeihe diversion project, Shantou Bay tunnel, etc., great breakthroughs and successful applications have been made in control technology for soft rock deformation under high ground stress, monitoring and treatment technology for hard rock burst, and undersea tunnel construction technology in high earthquake intensity areas, etc.; the manufacturing and application technology of domestic largediameter TBMs and irregularshaped largesection TBMs have reached a new level, and domestic shield machine main bearings and completemachine remanufacturing equipment have been successfully verified and applied; attempts have been made to apply the shield TBM cruise tunneling technology based on highpressure water jet assisted rock breaking technology and the big data mining technique in tunnel industry. (2) Breakthroughs in new rock breaking methods, multifunctional hybrid TBM equipment, and construction technology for maglev system tunnels based on low vacuum pipelines are urgently needed for tunnel construction in extreme environments or complex geological conditions such as crossriver or crosssea tunnels and SichuanTibet railway. (3) Aiming at the key challenges in tunnel engineering under extremely complicated geological conditions, such as SichuanTibet railway tunnels, which can hardly be solved using the traditional tunnel engineering concepts and methods, the concept of tunnel field is put forward, and it is pointed out that the tunnel field deconstruction and reconstruction theory and method should be gradually established and improved, and the design concept for tunnels in extreme geological conditions should be innovated; and the organic integration of advanced technologies such as "Intelligent Construction" and "5G" with tunnel and underground engineering should be promoted in a targeted and systematic manner in combination with the complexity, variability, and unpredictability of tunnel and underground engineering.

Key words: tunnel and underground engineering, shield, TBM; drilling and blasting method, survey and design technology, tunnel construction technology, big data technology, intelligent construction, tunnel operation and maintenance, tunnel field, deconstruction and reconstruction theory
