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隧道建设(中英文) ›› 2024, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (4): 705-711.DOI: 10.3973/j.issn.2096-4498.2024.04.009

• 研究与探索 • 上一篇    下一篇


李英发, 陈彦涛, 姜海峰, 张耀鑫, 曾婧, 李焕旭, 王彪, 张国鹏   

  1. (中铁工程装备集团隧道设备制造有限公司, 河南 新乡 453011
  • 出版日期:2024-04-20 发布日期:2024-05-24
  • 作者简介:李英发(1988—),男,河南辉县人,2014年毕业于洛阳理工学院,机械设计制造及其自动化专业,本科,工程师,现主要从事隧道掘进机刀具设计与研发工作。Email: 17516750784@163.com。*通信作者: 陈彦涛, Email: ytchen0722@163.com。

Adaptive Balancing Characteristics of a Rubber Sleeve for Shield Disc Cutters in High Water Pressure Conditions

LI Yingfa, CHEN Yantao, JIANG Haifeng, ZHANG Yaoxin, ZENG Jing, LI Huanxu, WANG Biao, ZHANG Guopeng   

  1. (China Railway Engineering Equipment Group Tunnel Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Xinxiang 453011, Henan, China)
  • Online:2024-04-20 Published:2024-05-24

摘要: 为保持滚刀浮动密封的有效性,滚刀内外压力差需要控制在0.3 MPa内,而工作环境水压可以达到1.4 MPa,因此需要设计自适应压力平衡结构降低滚刀内外压差。常规的活塞式平衡阀经常由于高压环境下的岩渣堵塞或者O型圈动密封快速磨损导致滚刀浮动密封失效。因此针对高水压环境下滚刀内外压力自动可靠平衡问题,设计了自适应平衡橡胶套管: 通过气囊变形响应外界压力变化,实现滚刀内介质对于外界压力变化的动态跟随功能。首先,采用理论分析的方法研究橡胶套管自适应平衡机制,并基于仿真与理论分析相结合的方式给出自适应平衡橡胶套管性能评估方法; 其次,通过套管参数的敏感性分析给出优选的结构参数、试制等径式橡胶套管,并进行压力跟随试验,发现输入压力为0~0.6 MPa时,内外压差为0.12 MPa; 最后,将试制橡胶套管应用在盾构滚刀项目中,滚刀运行状况良好。

关键词: 高水压, 自适应平衡橡胶套管, 密封, 盾构滚刀

Abstract: An inner and outer pressure difference within 0.3 MPa for disc cutters guarantees the effectiveness of their floating seals in high water pressure environments reaching 1.4 MPa. Thus, an adaptivebalancing structure should be designed and developed to reduce the pressure difference upon the disc cutter. The piston balance valve frequently leads to floating seal failure of the disc cutter due to rock slag blockage in highpressure environments or rapid wear of the Oring seal. Therefore, an adaptivebalancing rubber sleeve is designed to adaptively adjust the inner pressure of the disc cutter according to the outer pressure by elastic deformation of the airbag, realizing a dynamic pressure following the function of the disc cutter to the outer pressure. First, the adaptivebalancing mechanism of the rubber sleeve is studied based on theoretical analysis, and the performance evaluation method of the rubber sleeve is given based on combining simulation and theoretical analysis. Then, the optimal structural parameters are given based on the sensitivity analysis of the sleeve, the performance of an isodiametric rubber sleeve is experimentally studied, and the results show that the inner and outer pressure difference of the disc cutter is ~0.12 MPa under an input pressure of 0-0.6 MPa. Finally, the designed rubber sleeve was successfully applied to a shield tunneling project, achieving a good operation effect with disc cutters.

Key words: high water pressure, adaptivebalancing rubber sleeve, sealing, shield disc cutter