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隧道建设(中英文) ›› 2019, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (10): 1594-1600.DOI: 10.3973/j.issn.2096-4498.2019.10.006

• 研究与探索 • 上一篇    下一篇


张建刚1, 孟庆明2, 李围3, 何川4, *   

  1. (1. 山东农业大学 水利土木工程学院, 山东 泰安 271018;2. 中国电建集团铁路建设有限公司, 北京 100044; 3. 深圳市地铁集团有限公司, 广东 深圳 518026;4. 西南交通大学 交通隧道工程教育部重点试验室, 四川 成都 610031)
  • 收稿日期:2019-06-04 出版日期:2019-10-20 发布日期:2019-12-10
  • 作者简介:张建刚(1974—),男,山东郓城人, 2008年毕业于西南交通大学,桥梁与隧道工程专业,博士,副教授,现从事盾构隧道结构理论研究与教学工作。 E-mail: zjg@sdau.edu.cn。 *通信作者: 何川, E-mail: chuanhe21@163.com。
  • 基金资助:

    国家自然科学基金项目(U1734205); 中国电建集团重大项目(DJ-ZDZX-2017-23); 山东农业大学青年科技创新基金项目(23670)

Mechanical Analysis of Segmental Joints with Different Contacts

ZHANG Jiangang1, MENG Qingming2, LI Wei3, HE Chuan 4, *   

  1. (1. College of Water Conservancy and Civil Engineering, Shandong Agricultural University,Taian 271018, Shandong, China; 2. PowerChina Railway Construction Co., Ltd., Beijing 100044, China;3. Shenzhen Metro Group Co., Ltd., Shenzhen 518026, Guangdong, China; 4. Key Laboratory of Transportation Tunnel Engineering, Ministry of Education,Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, Sichuan, China)
  • Received:2019-06-04 Online:2019-10-20 Published:2019-12-10


大型管片接头接缝面趋于复杂化,使得接头受力和变形也将有复杂反应。采用能模拟接头复杂特性的管片接头力学模型,对管片接头在同一接缝面上并存的2种不同接触情况进行力学分析。研究表明: 1)当外侧缝隙量适当增大时,能延缓管片接头混凝土压溃,提高接头破坏弯矩的水平,并促使破坏形式从混凝土压溃的脆性破坏向螺栓屈服的塑性破坏变化,对结构设计有利; 2)当接缝面中部夹填适当厚度的局部承压衬垫时,弯矩与转角关系曲线趋于直线形,抗弯刚度水平没有明显下降,接缝张开量也没有增大,接缝面中部区域承压始终较充分,对防水有利; 3)当同一接缝面上的2种接触的尺寸或材料选取不当时,会引起接头性能明显下降,需谨慎设计。

关键词: 盾构隧道, 管片接头, 力学分析, 不同接触并存, 复杂接缝面


As the contact surface of large segmental joints to be more complex, the stress and deformation of joints under load will also have more complex results. By using mechanical model of segmental joints which can simulate complex joint characteristics, mechanical analysis of segmental joints with two different contacts on a same joint surface is carried out, and valuable conclusions are drawn. The study results show that: (1) When the gap on side of the joint surface of segmental joints increases appropriately, the collapse of joint concrete can be delayed, the joint failure bending moment level can be increased, and the change of failure form from brittle failure of concrete crushing to plastic failure of bolt yielding can be promoted, which is beneficial to structural design. (2) When the local pressurebearing liner with appropriate thickness is filled in the middle of the joint surface, the relationship curve between bending moment and rotation angle tends to be linear, the bending rigidity level does not decrease significantly, the opening of the joint does not increase, and the pressure in the middle of the joint surface is always sufficient, which is beneficial to waterproofing. (3) Improper selection of contact size and material on a same joint surface will lead to a significant decline in joint performance, so it should be designed carefully.

Key words: shield tunnel, segmental joint, mechanical analysis, coexistence of different contacts, complex joint surface
