ISSN 2096-4498

   CN 44-1745/U


Tunnel Construction ›› 2016, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (10): 1269-1276.DOI: 10.3973/j.issn.1672-741X.2016.10.017

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Application of Rectangular Pipe Jacking Machine to Urban Underground Space Development and Its Prospects

JIA Lianhui   

  1. (China Railway Engineering Equipment Group Co., Ltd., Zhengzhou 450016, Henan, China)
  • Received:2016-07-25 Revised:2016-09-06 Online:2016-10-20 Published:2016-11-01


The normal structure form of rectangular pipe jacking machine is discussed. The structural features and formation adaptability of rectangular pipe jacking machine with paralleled central shaft cutter head and that with eccentric multishaft cutter head, planetary gear type of rectangular pipe jacking machine, and multirectangularface pipe jacking machine are introduced in detail. The applications and achievements of rectangular pipe jacking machine used in urban underground space, including urban underpass, underground commercial space and underground parking areas, etc. are presented. The application of rectangular pipe jacking machine to underground utility tunnel, underground logistics channel and Sponge City, etc. are prospected. The development of rectangular pipe jacking machine is prospected and some suggestions are given.

Key words: rectangular pipe jacking machine, underground space development, underpass, underground utility tunnel

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