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隧道建设(中英文) ›› 2016, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (7): 793-799.DOI: 10.3973/j.issn.1672-741X.2016.07.004

• 研究与探索 • 上一篇    下一篇


汪鹏程1,2, 邵长征1,2, 刘志1,2   

  1. (1.合肥工业大学土木与水利工程学院,安徽合肥 230009; 2.合肥工业大学安徽土木工程结构与材料省级实验室, 安徽合肥 230009)
  • 收稿日期:2015-12-07 修回日期:2016-03-09 出版日期:2016-07-20 发布日期:2016-07-27
  • 作者简介:汪鹏程(1968—),男,安徽铜陵人,2005年毕业于浙江大学,岩土工程专业,博士,副教授,主要从事岩土与地下结构工程设计方向的研究工作。Email: zjuwangpc@126.com。
  • 基金资助:


Analysis of Shielding Effect of A Pile Group to Shield Tunneling nearby Pile Foundation of Viaduct

WANG Pengcheng1, 2, SHAO Changzheng1, 2, LIU Zhi1, 2   

  1. (1. School of Civil Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, Anhui, China; 2. Anhui Key Laboratory of Civil Engineering and Materials, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, Anhui, China)
  • Received:2015-12-07 Revised:2016-03-09 Online:2016-07-20 Published:2016-07-27


为了研究土体c(黏聚力)、φ(内摩擦角)和桩隧间距X对群桩遮拦效应的影响,以合肥轨道交通1号线盾构隧道近距离侧穿高架桥桩基群工程为背景,采用三维数值分析方法,分析了盾构掘进过程中桩基的变形规律,得出以下结论: 1)桩基的位移随着盾构开挖面的靠近逐渐增大,当盾尾离开桩基所在平面后逐渐稳定; 2)土体的c、φ值对群桩桩基水平位移、竖向位移和轴力的遮拦效应影响比较大,c、φ值越大群桩遮拦效应越不明显; 3)桩隧间距X对桩基水平位移和轴力遮拦效应影响较为明显,X越小桩体变形和受力越复杂,群桩遮拦效应越明显。

关键词: 数值分析, 桩基群, 遮拦效应, 桩体变形, 盾构隧道


The deformation rules of pile foundation of viaduct induced by shield tunneling nearby are analyzed by 3D numerical analysis method, so as to learn the influences of soil cohesive strength c, internal friction angle φ and distance between pile and tunnel axial line X on shielding effect of a pile group, by taking shield tunnel of Hefei Metro Line No. 1 crossing nearby pile foundation of viaduct for example. Some conclusions are drawn as follows: 1) The displacement of the pile foundation increases with the distance between pile foundation and shield head decreases; and the displacement of the pile foundation becomes stable when shield tail passed. 2) The c and φ of soil affect the shielding effect of pile group to horizontal displacement, vertical displacement and axial force a lot; and the shielding effect of pile group decreases with the c or φ increases. 3) The influence of X on shielding effect of pile group to pile foundation is obvious; and the shielding effect of pile group decreases with the X decreases.

Key words: numerical analysis, pile foundation group, shielding effect, pile deformation, shield tunnel
